
The Meetings Industry as a Driver of Economic Development

Panel Session
Congress Centre, Conference Hall B2

International experience shows that for a country to achieve its economic development goals, increase inward investment, boost its image from a social and tourism perspective, and become more competitive, it needs an effective marketing strategy. This strategy should be targeted at both the domestic and international markets, and support a comprehensive solution to these challenges, and one of the most effective tools for promoting and positioning a region globally is engaging industry. However, Russia’s share of the global international business event market is less than 1%. Can Russia become a leader in the global meetings industry and what needs to be done to support the effective development of the meetings industry in Russia? Which successful international events should serve as an example for marketing regions and Russia as a whole? What role should the government play in developing the event industry in Russia? What multiplier effect can organizing events have on local development?

Paul Colston , Managing Editor, Conference News

Ramesh Abhishek , Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of India
Sergey Alexeev , President, Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs; Executive President (Outgoing President), UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
David Bodor , Regional Director Europe, International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
Sergey Voronkov , General Director, ExpoForum International
Alexey Kalachev , Head of Project, Russian Convention Bureau
Christian Mutschlechner , Chief Executive Officer, Vienna Convention Bureau

Front row participants:
Elena Myakotnikova , Corporate Director, Agency for Strategic Initiatives


Key moments

Exhibitions as a face-to-face industry rank second in the product promotion system after the internet. We cannot get by without the face-to-face industry and we will develop it.
Sergey Alexeev
President, Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs; Executive President (Outgoing President), UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
Exhibitions are the locomotive of the economy. If you don’t show anything, you won’t sell anything.
Sergey Alexeev
President, Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs; Executive President (Outgoing President), UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
Our core idea is to have industry associations that need to handle the sale of goods as main customers in our system.
Sergey Alexeev
President, Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs; Executive President (Outgoing President), UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
It’s important to understand that international business events play a very significant role in building stronger, more productive, more diverse economy.
David Bodor
Regional Director Europe, International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
There is definitely potential for Russia to become a world-class business event destination.
David Bodor
Regional Director Europe, International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
The potential of the Russian regions and infrastructural capabilities allow to hold much more events than we do. And for now we hold roughly 13,000–14,000 events per year.
Alexey Kalachev
Head of Project, Russian Convention Bureau
Business tourism and the event industry are developing rather actively and have great potential throughout the whole world.
Alexey Kalachev
Head of Project, Russian Convention Bureau
My philosophy always was that we are here to serve our clients and we are not here to serve our suppliers. That's a key message.
Christian Mutschlechner
Chief Executive Officer, Vienna Convention Bureau
It’s very important to understand that meetings are a platform for export of national knowledge. But, at the same time, it’s import of knowledge, because you bring the world to your country, to your city, where they get into action with your local scientists. And it is a global platform for education and networking.
Christian Mutschlechner
Chief Executive Officer, Vienna Convention Bureau