Russia–Germany: ‘Smart’ Factories – Increasing Productivity with Network Technology
The Internet of Things has now reached the manufacturing industry, where it is not only transforming the logic of production, but also presenting challenges to many companies’ business models. Value chains are becoming networks, products are turning into platforms for innovative services, and real-time data processing is taking on ever-greater significance. It is estimated that just 3.5% of factories around the world are presently connected to the Internet of Things. An enormous market is emerging here: it is quite possible that, in 10 years’ time, 75% of all production sites will be connected to digital networks. The demand for data analysis services in manufacturing is already soaring. How can businesses participate in these transformations? Why is it advisable for businesses, and for medium-sized manufacturers in particular, to join this trend as soon as possible? How is intelligent data analysis helping to increase the productivity of manufacturing facilities?
Klaus Mangold ,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, TUI
Andrej Bievetski ,
Managing Director, SAP Labs CIS
Igor Bogachev ,
Vice President, Executive Director of Information Technologies Cluster, Skolkovo Foundation
Roland Busch ,
Member of the Management Board, Siemens
Rainer Lindner ,
CEO Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa, Schaeffler Group
Sergey Sidorsky ,
Member of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board (Minister) in Charge of Industry and Agriculture; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honourary Professor, Belarusian State University of Transport
Alexander Khaytin ,
Executive Director, Yandex Data Factory
Vasily Churanov ,
Director, Twins Technology LLC