
The Russian Capital Market on the Threshold of a New Era

24 May , 16:45–18:00
Harnessing Russia’s Growth Potential
Panel Session
Congress Centre, Conference Hall D4

New technologies and regulatory stimuli are helping attract increasingly large numbers of Russian citizens to stock market investment. A quarter of a million new brokerage accounts have been opened within the last year alone. Russians are in possession of significant savings (totalling more than RUB 26 trillion), a significant part of which could now find its way onto the public capital market. International investors have shown no signs of reducing the volume of their Russian market operations, even in the current geopolitical climate. There is a growing need for new placements of debt and equity capital, with Russian companies expanding their business (including small and medium-sized enterprises). Could the retail investor become a source of long-term capital for Russian business, reducing market volatility and its dependence on geopolitical factors? How could the success of initiatives to develop domestic investment affect the perceptions and assessments of the Russian market by international investors? Will collective investments, including citizens’ pension savings, play a role in this process?

Oleg Vyugin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange

Ashok Aram, Chief Executive Officer, Europe, Middle East and Africa “EMEA”, Deutsche Bank AG
Alexander Afanasiev, Chairman of the Executive Board, Moscow Exchange
Tom Blackwell, Chief Executive Officer, EM Communications
Michael Calvey, Senior Partner, Baring Vostok Capital Partners
Irackly Mtibelishvily, Managing Director, Chairman of Corporate and Investment Banking, CEEMEA, Citi
Stanislav Novikov, Member of the Management Board, Deputy President-Chairman of the Management Board for Retail Business, BCS Financial Group
Jim Rogers, Chairman, Rogers Holding Company
Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive Officer, London Stock Exchange Group Plc (2009-2017)
Robert Sasson, Partner, UFG Private Equity
Dmitriy Sedov, Chairman, Goldman Sachs Russia
Yan Tavrovsky, President, CB "J.P. Morgan Bank International"
