The Digital Economy and Education: Changing the Paradigm
The transformation of the workplace and education predicated by the development of the digital economy require a revision of the relationship between companies and educational organizations and the establishment of new forms of interaction. These changes are largely linked to the need to address employee displacement and adaptation to new work environments, and they are the source of the shifts taking place in higher education systems worldwide. The new landscape that is taking shape is based on broad public interaction globally, current socioeconomic needs, and the career-related behaviour of talent. Against this background, network-based interaction between education providers and multinational companies is changing fundamentally, resulting in the emergence of new institutions. How will relationships between companies and education institutions develop over the next decade? How will network-based interaction influence the transformation of existing approaches to the partnership between business and education? What influence will companies have on the content and format of educational programmes?
Vladimir Mau,
Rector, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Elena Bunina,
General Director, Yandex Russia
Andrey Komarov,
Сhairman of the Board of Directors, PJSC Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant
Oleg Novikov,
President,"Exmo-AST" Publishing Group; President, Russian Textbook Corporation
Konstantin Noskov,
Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Marina Rakova,
Chief Executive Officer, Russian Foundation for Educational Development
Emmanuel Tric,
President, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Front row participants
Georgiy Gorshkov,
First Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board, Post Bank
Celine Davesne,
Deputy General Manager for Programs, NEOMA Business School
Alessia Di Domenico,
Associate Dean, EDHEC Business School
Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev,
Rector, Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry for the Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Annette Thomas,
Chief Executive Officer, Scientific and Academic Research, Clarivate Analytics
Patrice Houdayer,
Vice Dean, SKEMA Business School