
Rhana. The Ecology of Life: Medicine, Science and Innovation

25 May , 11:20–14:00

What affects increased life expectancy in the country? What is the secret of Japanese longevity? What technological and scientific achievements would allow us to improve the quality and quantity of life in Russia, slow down aging, and reduce the impact of adverse environmental factors? The roundtable is the business part of the Culture of Living. Active Longevity project, which came into being through the Russian–Japanese Bilateral Year declared by the Russian President. The issues of active long living are so urgent that they became one of the main topics of the Presidential Address in March. We will invite participants to focus on the practical aspects of healthcare development in Russia and the opportunities for international cooperation with our foreign, primarily Japanese, partners.

Sergey Vasilyev, Deputy Chairman, Committee on Economic Cooperation with the countries of Asia and Oceania, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Larisa Gladskikh, Director General, MEDMINIPROM; Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Academician, Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences; member of the Scientific Council of Cellgym Technologies
Ekaterina Dibrova, President, RHANA Medical Corporation; Chairman, Culture to Live. Active Longevity Organizing Committee; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, active member of the International Academy of Sciences
Kazukhiko Kidzima, Director, MTC Japan
Tatiana Moskalkova, High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Vlada Sayfetdinova, Advisor to the Director General, International Health Cluster Foundation Skolkovo. Innovation projects of Russia–Japan
Wataru Takahashi, Director for Work with Japanese Companies, Moscow Office, Deloitte & Touche CIS
Maxim Fillipenko, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacogenetics, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Ilya Fridman, One of the leading implant surgeons in Russia. Fundamentalist of dental postgraduate education system, certified trainer and developer of original educational programmes. Advisor to the Director General of Upravlenie, Co-founder of Alpha Biotech