
Beating Lung Cancer. Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

06 Jun , 09:00–10:15
Healthy Life Area
Congress Centre, zone E, Healthy Life Area

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide and a major global health challenge. Estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer calculated based on data from 185 countries show that lung cancer accounted for 12.4% of the total number of newly diagnosed cancer cases in 2022 and 18.7% of total deaths from cancer, which is approximately 2.5 and 1.8 million people, respectively. The healthcare system’s priority goals in preventing lung cancer are to vastly increase the detection and treatment of the disease in its early stages, as well as the number of studies to identify innovative methods of therapy using advanced scientific achievements, including personalized high-tech medicine. In this regard, the government and the professional community need to work together to significantly increase the life chances of patients in an effort to improve primary prevention measures, expand the criteria and opportunities for implementing cancer screening programmes as part of clinical examinations in all regions of Russia, and utilize the power of artificial intelligence to interpret the results of diagnostic studies. What programmes for the prevention, detection, and treatment of lung cancer have proven to be the most effective in Russia and around the world? What innovative drugs and methods of treating lung cancer have already been introduced and will appear in the near future? What opportunities exist today for implementing lung cancer screening programmes as a tool for reducing mortality from malignant tumours? What successful global best practices in organizing programmes to prevent and treat lung cancer can be applied in Russia?

Alexey Belyaev, Director, N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Yan Vlasov, Co-Chairman, Russian Patient Association
Tracy Guo, Chief Globalization Officer, Linkdoc (online)
Ruslan Zukov, Chief physician, «Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncology Center named after A.I. Kryzhanovsky» (online)
Evgeny Kamkin, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Wenhua Liang, Assistant Director of Oncological Dept. (Prof. Jianxing He); Secretary General and Chairman of Immunotherapy Committee of Guangdong Association of Thoracic Disease; A/Director of LC group of Chinese national clinical research center for respiratory; Member of China Clinical Trial Consortium (CCTC), ASCO, ESMO and IASLC; Associate Editor of Transl Lung Cancer Res (IF 6.498) Editorial Board Member of J Thorac Dis & Ann Transl Med (online)
Vitaliy Omelyanovskiy, General Director, Center for Healthcare Quality Assessment and Control of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Igor Tyurin, Chief freelance specialist in radiation and instrumental diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Deputy Director, Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Medical Research Center of Oncology named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Blokhin" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Radiology and Radiology, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Petr Yablonsky, Professor, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, St. Petersburg State University
