
Russian Wine as a National Treasure: Shaping a New Cultural Code

06 Jun , 15:00–16:15
Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle
passage in zone G, VinoGrad conference hall

Russia has every opportunity to become a leading winemaking power. A number of distinctive factors influencing this have emerged in the country. First of all, there is a high interest in the industry on the part of the state and private investors. There is also the favourable geographical location of the southern regions, though recently winemaking has been developing in other, less familiar locations. Finally, rich traditions: it is enough to recall the triumphant success of Prince Lev Golitsyn’s wines and the fact that the history of Russian winemaking goes back more than 300 years. At the same time, further development of the industry requires revision of a number of legislative restrictions, increased cultural awareness of wine consumption, and, finally, for wine to be perceived as part of the cultural code and national heritage of the country. Are the existing support and protection measures sufficient for the Russian wine industry? How may we increase its attractiveness to consumers on the domestic and global markets? How urgent are changes to the law on advertising winemaking products? How to boost the prestige of the winemaking profession? Can the best practices of the wine industry be scaled up to other areas of agriculture?

Dmitry Kiseliev, Chairman of the Board, Association "Federal Self-Regulatory Organization of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia"

Ilya Voloshin, Owner and Chief Winemaker, Cock t'est Belle
Anatoly Korneev, Co-founder, Vice President, Simple Group
Lev Levin, Head of Administration of President of Center, National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute
Kirill Levin, Member of the Board, First Deputy Chairman of the Board, Russian Agricultural Bank
Alexey Plotnikov, Executive Director of the Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia
Boris Titov, Owner, Abrau-Durso Group of Companies

Front row participants
Anton Alimov, Brand Ambassador of the Krinitsa Winery
Pavel Titov, President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
