
The Content Industry: Investing in a New Media Landscape

06 Jun , 17:00–18:15
Technologies for Leadership
Congress Centre, zone D, VEB.RF conference hall D2
In partnership with VK

Despite the departure of foreign platforms, labels, and content production companies, the Russian industry has remained stable and managed even to move forward with new energy. Russian platforms have led the market before, but in the last two years content and technology has truly taken off. What makes the Russian content industry really stand out is the high quality of professional and semi-professional content. Yesterday’s bloggers are today’s production business and indie studios partnering with major platforms, and sometimes the state, to test hundreds of projects, some of which go on to enjoy success nationwide. Can we still be creative and original, or are we relegated to copying foreign trends? Will digital content finally do away with hard copy? What does the future hold for an industry that contributes billions to GDP and creates millions of jobs?

Artemy Lebedev, Founder, Art. Lebedev Studio

Fedor Bondarchuk, Film Director, Actor, Producer; General Producer, NMG Studio; Founder, Art Pictures Studio
Oleg Dorozhok, Director of Advertising and Monetization, Ozon
Stepan Kovalchuk, Senior Vice President for Media Strategy and Service Development, VK
Vladimir Nikolaev, General Producer, Voronezh Animation Studio (Wizart Animation)
Nikolay Osipov, Founder, President, Winline Media League
Maksim Rybakov, Deputy General Director for Production, CTC Media
Anatoly Sulyanov, Founder, Hardcore FC
