How Much It Costs to Build the Future: Is Everything Determined by the Rate?
Thanks to the joint efforts of the government, professional market participants, the Bank of Russia, and legislators, the residential real estate financing market has reached a state of conditional equilibrium. However, market realities continue to evolve, revealing complexities that demand new solutions. Banks and financial corporations specializing in residential real estate financing are responding flexibly to these changes. Many questions remain that require discussion and resolution. We will engage in a lively debate with leading real estate professionals to address important applied questions. Sharp topics and a no-holds-barred conversation will cover bridges, infrastructure, reserves, and tax issues – everything that concerns us today.
Roman Kapinos,
First Deputy General Director, FSK Region
Alexander Aksakov,
Director of Infrastructure Bonds Division, DOM.RF
Roman Antoshchenkov,
ПАО Банк «ВТБ», Руководитель дирекции «Недвижимость, строительство и девелопмент»
Nikita Stasishin,
Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
Pavel Trofimov,
ПАО АКБ «Абсолют Банк», заместитель Председателя Правления
Кирилл Филиппенков,
Директор Департамента девелопмента и инфраструктуры банка «МКБ»
Front row participant
Елена Степанова,
ПАО «ПИК-специализированный застройщик», Директор по стратегическому развитию