

The Global Growth Agenda
Pavilion 5, Conference Hall 5.2

The IEA 2013 Medium Term Gas Market report provides a detailed analysis of demand, upstream investment and trade developments through 2018 that will shape the gas industry and the role of gas in the global energy system. Its special sections investigate the economic viability of gas-fired power generation in Europe, the prospects for an LNG trading hub in Asia as well as the potentially transformational role of natural gas in the transport sector. Amid a continuous regional divergence between North American plenty, European weakness and Asian thirst for LNG, the 2013 Medium Term Gas Market Report will investigate the key questions that the gas industry faces today.

Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Laszlo Varro , Head of Gas, Coal and Power Division, International Energy Agency
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Key moments

The next five years will be so important for the world gas economy. And gas has already arrived as a major fuel for power generation. But the next five years will see it emerging as a significant transportation fuel.
Maria van der Hoeven
Gas will be unable to compete with coal on cost at the power plant alone without specific climate impact measures, i.e. a normal price for carbon emissions. Despite all the talk about it, Europe doesn’t have this. It doesn’t exist anywhere.
Vladimir Feygin
China is easily investing in gas power generation, but they are building much, much more coal power plants than gas power plants.
Laszlo Varro
Transportation emerges as a major gas demand driver, accounting for 10% of gas demand growth driven by China and the US.
Laszlo Varro
The gas market is not united globally, but it is highly interdependent. Every year we see how events that happen in one part of the market can begin to affect other parts.
Vladimir Feygin