

Russia’s New Horizons
Pavilion 5, Conference Hall 5.1

The competitiveness of Russia’s commodity and industrial sectors is in large part dependent upon investment in an increasingly efficient logistics system. What policy prescriptions should be undertaken to enhance logistics development and performance? What are some of the priority projects and case studies that best illustrate the impact of how improved logistics can benefit overall Russian economic development?

Simon Nixon , Chief European Commentator, The Wall Street Journal

Oleg Belozerov , President, Chairman of the Board, Russian Railways
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Kairat Kelimbetov , Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mauro Moretti , Chief Executive Officer, General Manager, Finmeccanica SpA
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Vladimir Yakunin , Chairman of Supervisory Board, DOC Research Institute; Doctor of Political Science

Sergei Naryshkin , Chairman, State Duma of the Russian Federation
Alexey Repik , President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Yermolai Solzhenitsyn , Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company


Key moments

We need a new model, we need pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds which are long-term investors and can match their liabilities with these investments.
Edoardo Reviglio Della
There’s a business plan to build a tunnel under the Bering Strait in order to connect North American railways with Russian railways in Kamchatka (which don’t yet exist), and then connect with China via Russian railways. It’s an ambitious project and I believe precisely the type of project that needs to be created in order to overcome the existing alienation of financial capital and the real sector of the economy.
Vladimir Yakunin
Containerization, which enables all those goods and services to come to consumers in Russia or to leave Russia bound for other destinations, is something that can only be done with fully integrated transport and logistics networks. And I think that integration role that needs to happen between the roads, the ports and the rails is something which is fundamental for the investment case and something we are very closely watching.
Damian Ronald Secen
Two main questions: first of all, obviously, the technical barriers that we have at the moment on the track, on the electricity, on the signal system, and so on. But the second is not less important – the political one. If we cannot diminish the political barriers that are shown by the customs in particular, it is impossible to enhance the traffic flow.
Mauro Moretti
The government is now seeking to increase investment in infrastructure as much as possible, and in particular make long-term and convenient investment options like pension funds accessible.
Mikhail Poluboyarinov
We believe that public–private partnership in the near future means a combination of the potential of state stability and, truly, mobility and the search for the best solutions through private capital.
Oleg Belozerov
Today, transport and logistics are not just a means of getting things from A to B, but a driver of growth. That is, on the way to creating such new railways, new transport corridors, entire industrial clusters must inevitably arise that, on the one hand, can service the creation and development of these corridors and, on the other hand, make use of the opportunities created in this direction.
Kairat Kelimbetov