Social networking platforms and mobile systems have enormous potential to accelerate broad-based, affordable, high-quality health care solutions. What should governments do to encourage the development of healthcare networks while maintaining necessary oversight and quality controls?
Mark Kurtser ,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, MD Medical Group Investments
Nicole Bricq ,
Minister for Foreign Trade of France
Arjan de Jongste ,
Chief Executive Officer, Russia and CIS, Philips
Vasyl Latsanych ,
Vice President for Strategy and Marketing, Member of the Management Board, MTS
Simon Matskeplishvili ,
Chairman of the Echocardiography Section, Russian Society of Cardiology; Chief Scientific Researcher, Bakulev Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Robert Puskaric ,
Head of Region Northern Europe and Central Asia, Ericsson
Andrei Yurin ,
Deputy Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation