The idea of the ‘Open Government’, which has evolved worldwide over the past decade, has become a cornerstone element of a strategy to offer greater access to government information and foster deeper interaction between agencies and citizens. Open data has proven to improve the transparency of state entities, provided an efficient tool for public monitoring of government operations, and opened up new services for the citizens and businesses. Just over a year ago Russia began a step-by-step process of making accessible relevant information. What is the impact of these initial efforts? How can the general public and business community capitalize on the move towards transparency?
Andrew Stott ,
UK Transparency Board; Senior Consultant, The World Bank
Mikhail Abyzov ,
Minister of the Russian Federation
Sören Auer ,
Professor, Coordinator of the pan-European LOD2 (Linked Open Data) project
Nikolay Nikiforov ,
Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Jeanne Holm ,
Chief Knowledge Architect, NASA
Alexey Repik ,
President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Alexey Repik ,
President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Alexey Repik ,
President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Sergei Plugotarenko ,
Director, Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC)