The number of urban residents is growing by nearly 60 million per annum, so that by 2050 some 6.4 billion people – or seven out of every ten people – will be living in a city. This enormous demographic transition requires new approaches in urban planning and development, and cities of all sizes and in all geographies are replacing the ‘modernist’ town planning concept of the 20th century with the concept of ‘Cities for People’, where planning takes place on a ‘human-scale’. How can city planners, policy makers, businesses and other constituents best collaborate to make our cities convenient, affordable, lively, safe, and attractive to live in? How can the private sector come to benefit from this fundamental shift in approaches to urban development?
Moderators Henriette Vamberg ,
Director and Head of Gehl Cities, Gehl Architects; Expert, Project SAGA Public Spaces in Transformation Oleg Pachenkov ,
Director, Centre for Applied Social Research, European University at St. Petersburg
Henriette Vamberg
Director and Head of Gehl Cities, Gehl Architects; Expert, Project SAGA Public Spaces in Transformation
Henriette is a partner and Head of Gehl Cities at Gehl Architects. She has been with the office since 2000. She is in charge of Gehl Cities, the division that handles Public Space/ Public Life studies, city stragies, public space plans, city consulting and method development on urban studies. She has a Master’s Degree of Architecture and Urban Design from the School of Architecture, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Qualifications 2000 Master of Architecture, School of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark Work experience 2013- Partner, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark 2008- Director, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark 2005-08 Associate, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark 2000-05 Project architect, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark 2000 Perlt & Black Arkitekter, Lyngby, Denmark 1998 Nordplan Architects, Norway 1997 Danish Forest and Landscape Institute 1996 McDivitt Gelder Architects, Sydney, Australia
Oleg Pachenkov
Director, Centre for Applied Social Research, European University at St. Petersburg
Mr. Pachenkov is a sociologist and has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences. He is the Director of the Centre for Applied Research (CeAR) at the European University at St. Petersburg and a leader of the Urban Studies department at the Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR) in St. Petersburg where has been working for more than 15 years as a research fellow, and from 2011 to 2012 he was the director of CISR. Dr. Pachenkov is the founder and a member of the “Open Urban Lab” expert platform, and a co-founder of the SREDA Institute of Urban Studies established in St. Petersburg in May 2014. Areas of Dr. Pachenkov’s professional activities: academic and applied social studies, consulting, management of collective research and applied projects. Dr. Pachenkov has been involved in more than thirty academic research projects as well as in a dozen of consulting projects on various aspects of urban development and urban real estate. He is the author of more than two dozen of scientific publications in Russian, English and German. His scientific interests are focused on urban sociology / urban studies.
Panellists Markus Appenzeller ,
Architect, Urban Planner, Partner, MLA+ (Netherlands) Mika Boedeker ,
Director, Nordic Council of Ministers' Information Office in St. Petersburg Vsevolod Belikov ,
Chair, Council of Municipalities of St. Petersburg Vladimir Vasiliev ,
Rector, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics Jan Gehl ,
Founding Partner, Gehl Architects Anatoly Kotov ,
Chair, Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning, St. Petersburg Enric Massip-Bosch ,
Founder, EMBA ARCHITECTS; Architecture and Urban Planning Advisor to the Vice-Mayor of Barcelona Nina Oding ,
Head of the Research Department, ICSER Leontiev Centre Georgy Poltavchenko ,
Governor of St. Petersburg Daniyar Yusupov ,
Architect, Member of Town Planning Council of St. Petersburg, Member of the Expert Platform ‘Open Laboratory of the City. OLG’, Expert on ‘The SAGA of the City’ project
Born in Tübingen, Germany, 1972. Markus has a professional degree in banking business and studied law, and architecture and urban planning in Konstanz, Stuttgart and Chicago. He graduated in 2003 from Stuttgart University. Before founding MLA+ Markus was Director at KCAP Architects&Planners in Rotterdam in charge of international activities of the practice (2006-2011). Markus has worked for UnitA Architects in Stuttgart (1999-2003), for Munich based Fink & Jocher Architects as project leader (2003-2004), and in the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam as project architect (2004-2006). Markus set up MLA+ together with Gerard Maccreanor and Richard Lavington in 2011. Markus is a regular guest critic at the AA School of Architecture in London, has lectured at several schools across Europe was a studio professor at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam. Currently he is program curator of the newly founded Urban Transformation School at ITMO in St. Petersburg. Research work conducted currenlty focuses on the Mid-size European City and how it could develop in the future as well as regeneration in existing city context. Since the start of his professional career Markus has been in charge of large scale architecture and urban planning projects in China and across Europe.
Mika Boedeker
Director, Nordic Council of Ministers' Information Office in St. Petersburg
Born 28 July 1959. Juris licentiat, 5.6.1998, University of Helsinki. Ancien élève de l'E.N.A. 22.12.1994, E.N.A. (Ecole Nationale d'Administration). Master of Law, 5.6.1984, University of Helsinki. Competence for the Diplomatic Service, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 15.9.1986 Helsinki. Competence of Judge, 29.5.1991 (Court practice at the Circuit Court of Närpes 1990). Course in National civil defence for higher civil servants, 21.9. - 14.10.1998. Professional experience record: 1.2.2009 – current: Director of the Information office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in St Petersburg. Parliament of Finland, 1990-2009: 1.4.–30.9.2008: Permanent representative of the Finnish Parliament to the EU, Brussels; 1.11.2001–31.1.2009: Secretary to the Transport and Communications Committee; 1995–2000: Counsel to the Grand Committee (EU Affairs); 1990–1991, 1993: Secretary for International Affairs at the Bureau for International Affairs; 1991–1993: Assistant Secretary at the Secretariat of the Finnish Delegation to the Nordic Council. Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg: 2001: Tasks concerning the preparation of, participation in and follow up of missions to Member States. Responsible for the co-operation with the Ombudsmen from the Member States of Eastern Europe. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Service: 1984–1987: Attaché, at the Department of Administration, the Department of Foreign Policy; 1987–1989: Consulate General of Finland in Leningrad, Vice-consul.
Vsevolod Belikov
Chair, Council of Municipalities of St. Petersburg
He was born on July 7, 1960 in the city of Kagul in the Moldovan SSR. From 1977 to 2001, he served in various officer positions in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Higher education: 1981 – Odessa Higher Artillery Command School; 1992 – Military Artillery Academy (Leningrad); 1995 – Post-graduate military course at the Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg). In 2001, he underwent retraining at the North-West Academy of Public Administration. In 2005, he graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of Law. In July 2000, he served as Chairman of the Municipal Council and then Head of the Municipality of the Finlyandsky District. Since December 2005, he has been the Chairman of the St. Petersburg Municipalities Council. He has a PhD in military sciences and is a reserve colonel. He is the author of more than 50 scientific and methodological works and a professor in the Public and Municipal Administration Department at St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics. He was awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces,” III degree, the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland,” II degree, along with other medals and awards. He is a member of the Local Government Council under the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the National Congress of Municipalities, and Deputy Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Congress of Local Regional Authorities under the Council of Europe.
Vladimir Vasiliev
Rector, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Dr. Vladimir Vasilyev (born on April 1, 1951) has been the Rector of ITMO University since 1996 when the Conference of University Employees elected Dr. Vladimir Vasilyev as ITMO University Rector for the five-year term. He's been reelected four times, in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016. He is an active corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education. He’s been the head of the Council of St. Petersburg Rectors since 2004, vice president of the All-Russian Council of Rectors, and a member of the St. Petersburg Governor's Technical Council. After graduating from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, in 1983, Dr. Vasilyev joined the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, which later became ITMO University. In 1991 he became the head of the new department of Information Technologies. His leadership style and vision for innovation, multidisciplinary approach and the importance of partnerships with the industry earned him a prominent position within the university and the scientific community in Russia and beyond. In his capacity as the Rector, he continues to promote those values through creating a unique environment for cutting edge research, international collaboration and education for the modern world. Dr. Vasilyev is a prominent scientist in the fields of computer telecommunications and mathematical modeling of information systems and multifunctional equipment complexes. He is one of the creators of Russia’s joint scientific educational information environment and the “Electronic Russia” program. Dr. Vasilyev is a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the 2003 and 2005 President of the Russian Federation Award for Excellence in Education and the 2000 and 2008 Government of the Russian Federation Award for Excellence in Education. He is the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2002), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (2010), and the recipient of Golden Medal of the Russian Academy of Education “For Scientific Achievements” (2011).
Jan Gehl
Founding Partner, Gehl Architects
Jan is Professor (Ret.) of Urban Design at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen. He has been awarded the Sir Patrick Abercrombie prize for exemplary contributions to town planning by the International Union of Architects as well as an honorary doctorate from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. Jan is honorary fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, the American Institute of Architecture, the Planning Institute of Australia and the Canadian Institute of Architecture. In 2009 Jan received DOT’s Commissioner’s Award, for exceptional contribution to NYC Streetscape and the Public Realm.
Anatoly Kotov
Chair, Committee for Economic Policy and Strategic Planning, St. Petersburg
Born January 1, 1955 in the Voronezh Region. Education: Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. Mechanical engineer (graduated 1977). Dzerzhinsky Military Academy. Engineer-economist (graduated 1990). In 2010, Anatoly defended his Candidate of Science (Econ.) thesis on State regulation of and support for innovative enterprise on the basis of the cluster approach. Professional activities: Since January 1, 2013: Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for economic policy and strategic planning. From 2011 through 2012: head of the Administrative Office of Deputy Governor of St. Petersburg Sergei Vyazalov. From 1998 through 2010, Anatoly held various positions on the Committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade. He held the positions of head of the department for exhibitions and fairs, head of the administration for development of enterprise. As Vice-Chairman of the Committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade (2009 through 2010), he handled aspects of promoting development of enterprise, including medium-sized and small business, and was responsible for implementing Committee measures in the sphere of foreign economic co-operation. 1972–1998 – Anatoly Kotov served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Enric Massip-Bosch
Founder, EMBA ARCHITECTS; Architecture and Urban Planning Advisor to the Vice-Mayor of Barcelona
Born in Barcelona. Architect graduated from ESCOLA D’ARQUITECTURA DE BARCELONA — UPC-BarcelonaTECH. Associate Professor, Design Department — UPC-BarcelonaTECH. Lived and did research in Japan with a Japanese Government Monbusho Scholarship and worked at Shinohara Atelier (1987-1989). Invited professor in different universities, has extensively lectured and participated in multiple seminars around the world. His theoretical work has been widely published in magazines and books, among which are: Experimental Dwellings, 1971-1994 (Barcelona: EDICIONS UPC, 1996), Architecture on the Horizon (London: RIBA, 1996), Concealed Complexities (Tokyo: TOTO, 1999), Diagonal ZeroZero (Barcelona: Lunwerg, 2011). He was co-founder and member of the editorial board of WAM-Web Architecture Magazine (1996-2001). Currently he is Member of the Advisory Committee to the City Council of Barcelona, Member of the Commissione finale di Dottorato in Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana—Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and of the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (Italian Government).
Nina Oding
Head of the Research Department, ICSER Leontiev Centre
Dr Nina Oding is senior researcher and the Head of the Research department in International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre in St Petersburg. As an expert and project coordinator, she has built up a vast experience in developing and managing research programs, policy advice projects, in research of urban economics, regional finance, investments and cooperation. She conducts studies regarding the transit economy issues, budgetary federalism, public sector reform, spatial planning, regional development and land use policy. An editor in chief of the bi-monthly analytical review “The Socio-Economic Situation in St.Petersburg. A General Overview” publishing by the Leontief Centre since 1992 in Russian and English. Nina Oding is a team leader and deputy of the director in the international projects commissioned by WB, TACIS, ЕU, USAID, DFID. In the framework of the Project “EU-Russia Regional Cooperation” 2010-2011 Oding carried out the study aimed to provide an understanding of conditions, trends and options for cooperation between the EU and regions of Russia, and to improve awareness on possibilities and limits for international cooperation for the Russian regions. Her current scientific work is on regional development issue, strategic planning, regional labour market.
Georgy Poltavchenko
Governor of St. Petersburg
Born February 24, 1953 into a navy family in Baku. 1976 – graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation (as a mechanical engineer specializing in aerospace medicine instruments). 1976 – engineer at the defence enterprise NPO Leninets. 1978 – instructor at the Nevsky regional committee of the Young Communist League. 1979–1994 – service with the KGB (head of the Vyborg City Department of the KGB for the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg). 1994–1999 – head of the St. Petersburg Administration of the Federal Service of the Tax Police, Lieutenant General of the Tax Police. 1999–2000 – Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Leningrad Region. 2000–2011 -– Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District. On August 31, 2011, Mr. Poltavchenko was appointed Government of St. Petersburg. Awards: Order ‘For service to the homeland’ IV degree (2003), Order ‘For service to the homeland’ III degree (2008), Order of Alexander Nevsky (2013), and other state awards.
Daniyar Yusupov
Architect, Member of Town Planning Council of St. Petersburg, Member of the Expert Platform ‘Open Laboratory of the City. OLG’, Expert on ‘The SAGA of the City’ project
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Town-planning Department. Professional activities: Since 2007: Lengiprogor Institute. Development of territorial planning documents, model designs within the scope of town-planning consulting, development of concepts and strategies for territorial planning: General Plan for Kondratovo (2004), Perm Territory, Ussuriysk urban district, Onega, Arkhangelsk Region; Concept for development of the Irkutsk Agglomeration (2007); Kosmodemyanovsky (2007), Kaliningrad Region; Concept for a workers settlement at the Motyginsk Hydropower Station (2007), Krasnoyarsk Territory; Territorial planning scheme for the Nizhneye Priangarye industrial district (2008), Krasnoyarsk Territory; Irkutsk Region (2008); Kondratovo 2025 model (2008), Perm Territory; Model for the development of the urban environment Surgut 2020 (2008) Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. Since 2004: St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Lecturer in the Urban Studies and Urban Environment Design Department: 1995–2007 Studio Mishin architect. Designs for reconstruction of interiors and country houses, tender projects. 1995 – OOO AVSED architect. Designs for reconstruction of buildings, interiors, including under restoration.
Architect and Urban Designer; Partner, Architectural Systems Office
Graduated at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI), with Prof.arch. V. L. Glazychev. Obtained a Master in advanced studies in territorial architecture at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (AAM-USI), Switzerland, with Prof. arch. A.Galfetti. Started her teaching activity at the Polytechnic University of Milan, and since 2006 she has worked with Prof.arch. J.Acebillo for the Culture of Territory chair at Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (AAM-USI), combining it with research activity at the Institute for the Contemporary Urban Project (i.CUP) at the University of Lugano (USI). She collaborates with other universities of western Europe and Russia as guest lecturer. She has coordinated and participated to a number of international events and conferences. Fluently speaks five languages. Besides academic activities, she is actively engaged in professional practice. In 2007 she founded the architectural studio AS office (Architectural Systems Office) in Switzerland, the projects of which are international prize winners.
Boris Zhikharevich
Director, Resource Center for Strategic Planning, ICSER Leontiev Centre
Boris Zhikharevich graduated from Leningrad University (1974: Department of Economic Cybernetics, Economics Faculty). Doctor of Science (Economics) (1996), thesis on problems of local economic policy. Director of Resource Centre for Strategic Planning, under the Leontief Centre, senior scientific associate of the Institute of Problems of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor as National Research University Higher School of Economics. Specialist in local economic policy and territorial strategic planning. He has had over 250 scientific works published. Member of the editorial board of three journals. Scientific head of the Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia forum, held annually since 2002. Boris was responsible for methodological leadership of development of the Strategic Plan of St. Petersburg, the Investment Strategy for reconstruction of the centre of St. Petersburg, development strategies for Kazan, the Kaliningrad Region, Kavkazkiye Mineralniye Vody, Satka, Orsk and Syktyvkar; has participated in a multitude of international projects and programmes, advised city and regional authorities; holds training sessions and seminars.
Vyacheslav Makarov
Chair, St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly
Born May 7, 1955. Higher military, economic and legal education. Graduated: 1977 from the Rostov Artillery Marshal-in-Chief Nedelin Higher Engineering Command College; 1987 from the Military Academy; 1998 from the Institute for Further Education and Management Personnel Training under the St. Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics specializing in economics; 2000 from the St. Petersburg Law Academy specializing in jurisprudence; 2007 from the North-West Civil Service Academy specializing in State and municipal management. Served in the Space Forces. Since 1992: department head at the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. 2000 through 2003: deputy of the Chkalovskoye municipal council. In September 2003, Vyacheslav was elected deputy to the Legislative Assembly of the St. Petersburg of the third convocation. 2005: Vice-Secretary of the political council of the Regional Division of the All-Russia UNITED RUSSIA political party. In March 2007, elected deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the fourth convocation, head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction. In December 2011, he was elected deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the fifth convocation. On December 14, 2011, he was elected by a majority vote as Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. Secretary of the political council of the St. Petersburg Regional Division of the All-Russia UNITED RUSSIA political party. Holds many government awards. Married with two daughters.
Nikolay Pryanishnikov
President, Microsoft in Russia
Nikolay Pryanishnikov is one of the youngest and most successful top managers in Russia. He took the position of the President of Microsoft in Russia, on January 1, 2009. Driving the growth to double sales over the next three years Mr. Pryanishnikov considers to be the major goal of the Russian Subsidiary. Earlier, Mr. Pryanishnikov was an Executive Vice President – General Director for Russia, and then Executive Vice President for International Business Development at VimpelCom. Before joining VimpelCom, he also worked in telecom industry, in Moscow Cellular Communications. Under Pryanishnikov’s direction a number of projects were implemented that have significantly changed the mobile communications market in Russia. These include the launch of “Phone in the box for 49$” after which a new era of mobile communications started, and regional development of VimpelCom, i.e. construction and successful launch of networks and activities in more than 70 Russian regions.
Key moments
"In order for a city to get transformed, it needs three main conditions: people of the city feel moved towards changes in their life; political willingness to follow this desire; and the third condition is not big money – you don’t need big money for this transformation – the third condition is talent".
Enric Massip-Bosch
"The idea of livable cities is spreading very fast to all regions in the world. [Livable cities] with light rails, bicycles, wide sidewalks, trees – we can hardly wait to go there".
Jan Gehl
"St. Petersburg has a chance to skip the period of trial and error and move directly to models that have proven to work".
Nina Oding
"In the modern world cities are becoming the locomotives for economic development, and the prosperity of national economies largely depends on the economic prosperity of individual cities".
“Digital economy is a new paradigm for the development of the state, the economy and society.”
Greetings to participants, organisers, and guests of the
27th St Petersburg International Economic Forum
“For more than a quarter of a century, the Forum has provided an opportunity for politicians, experts, business leaders, academics, and media professionals from around the world to hold in-depth discussions on key economic development trends in Russia and the world. Participants in plenary sessions, roundtables and panel discussions exchange views on ways to promote international cooperation, encourage scientific and technological progress and the development of human capital, and to effectively tackle the challenges we face.
The theme of the current meeting, The Foundations of a Multipolar World – The Formation of New Areas of Growth, is highly relevant and meaningful. A growing part of the international community is in favour of building a just and democratic system of international relations based on the principles of genuine equality, consideration for each other’s legitimate interests, and respect for the cultural and civilisational diversity of nations. It is precisely these principles that underpin the activities of BRICS, which Russia is chairing this year. It is symbolic that the history of this dynamically developing association, whose members already account for more than a third of the global economy, began at the 10th St Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2006.
Our country is open to constructive dialogue and interaction with partners and is ready to work together to address the economic, social, scientific and technological challenges of our time.
I am confident that the Forum will jump-start new and promising initiatives and projects, fostering mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries and peoples.