
Smart Investments for Smart Infrastructure

25 May , 16:30–17:45
Harnessing Russia’s Growth Potential
Panel Session
Congress Centre, Conference Hall D1
ROSINFRA Infrastructure Congress Event

Currently a range of measures are being carried out to develop the Russian infrastructure market. In the near future, new financial support mechanisms for public-private partnership (PPP) projects will be implemented. The practice of preparing an ‘infrastructure map’ will be introduced, and a registry of planned and ongoing projects will be developed. It is anticipated that substantial legislative measures will be implemented in the area of PPP, and a mandatory financial audit procedure for infrastructure projects with state participation, a so-called ‘PPP filter’, will be instituted. With the implementation of the project pipeline, a clear long-term strategy for infrastructure development will emerge, and potential investors will be provided clear and transparent rules of the game. What are the global trends in the infrastructure and PPP markets? How could Russia benefit from foreign best practices when implementing its national infrastructure plans? What additional measures can be applied to attract foreign investment in Russia’s infrastructure?

Albert Eganyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, InfraONE

Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Gianni Vittorio Armani, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Anas SpA
Nikolay Asaul, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Verkhoshinskiy, Member of the Management Board, VTB Bank
Sergei Kelbakh, Chairman of the Board, Russian Highways State Company
Vadim Mikhailov, First Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Russian Railways
Nicolas Notebaert, Chief Executive Officer, VINCI Concessions; Chairman, VINCI Airports
Mikhail Rasstrigin, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Pavel Seleznev, Chairman, Public-Private Partnership Development Center
Dmitry Tvardovsky, General Director, Federal Centre for Project Funding

Front row participants
Igor Zelezetsky, Managing Director, Head of the Structured Finance Instrument, Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA)
Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
