
Transformation in a Rapidly Changing World: States, Companies, People

06 Jun , 15:00–16:30
The Global Economy in Search of a Balance
Sberbank Plenary Session
Congress Centre, Congress Hall

The technological revolution is leading to dramatic changes in society. Digitalization is emerging as the key trend across all industries. Yet the great opportunities that it is creating are accompanied by major cyberthreats. How should states, businesses and people respond to this rapidly changing environment? Will the state become an information platform that gradually delegates the execution of its functions to the private sector? Will companies transform into ecosystems that deliver a one-stop-shop experience to their customers? How will the education process transform as the lifespan of skills shortens and professions disappear?

Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank

Frans van Houten, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board of Management and the Executive Committee, Royal Philips
Sergey Kirienko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation
Bob Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC
Guo Ping, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Rotating Chief Executive Officer, Huawei
Sergei Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow
