
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Driver of Sustainable Development

06 Jun , 16:45–18:00
The Global Economy in Search of a Balance
Congress Centre, conference hall D2

Important conditions for successful economic development include motivated and responsible entrepreneurs. With the increasing global interdependence between companies and value chains in recent years, issues such as working conditions, the environment, human rights and corruption have become part of the political and social agenda. The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the business environment is steadily growing today, providing various advantages irrespective of the size of the company and the sector in which it operates. CSR can help companies build a positive business reputation, increase customer loyalty, reduce costs, promote innovation and attract talent. How will business benefit from CSR strategies? How do companies achieve their sustainability goals and can they increase incentives for innovation? What role do new technologies play? How can the links between business activities and sustainable development be strengthened?

Alexey Borisov, Secretary-General, United Nations Association of Russia; Vice President, World Federation of United Nations Associations

Maxim Goncharov, Chief Executive Officer, LafargeHolcim Russia
Larisa Zelkova, Senior Vice President, Head of Human Resources, Social Policy and Public Relations Department, Norilsk Nickel
Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, Director, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Allyson Park, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Mars, Incorporated
Alexander Plakida, Chair of the Steering Committee, National Network of the Global Compact; Vice-Chairman of the Board, ACIG Group of Companies
Ashok Ram Mohan, President for Affiliates in Russia and Belarus, Philip Morris International (PMI)
Xavier Rolet, Chief Executive Officer, CQS; Chairman of the Board of Directors, PhosAgro; Former Chief Executive Officer, London Stock Exchange Group Plc (2009 – 2017)
Martial Rolland, Chief Executive Officer in Russia and Eurasia, Nestlé S.A.
Paul Rollinson, President, Chief Executive Officer, Kinross Gold Corporation
Ilya Torosov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Anne Edwards, Senior Vice President, Public Policy Government Affairs and Communications, PepsiCo ESSA

Front row participants
Natalia Kolerova, General Manager, Oncology Department, Russia, Ukraine and CIS, Novartis AG
Yuriy Korotaev, General Director, Duracell Russia
Julia Mazanova, Social Policy and Corporate Communications Director Management Company, METALLOINVEST
Ljuba Manz-Lurje, Chairperson, Board of Directors, Manz Privacy Hotels Switzerland AG
Tatyana Terentyeva, Director of Human Resources, ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation
