
Exporting Culture: Ways to Present the Country’s Heritage in the International Arena

06 Jun , 16:45–18:00
People First
Congress Centre, Sberbank Hall

Culture is a national priority around the world. It is called on not only to preserve a single cultural space and territorial integrity, but also to improve the quality of life and social relations. It is the state’s task to increase interest in culture and ensure that it is accessible for people both inside and outside the country. Expanding the influence of Russian culture abroad and promoting the image of Russia as a country with a rich traditional – and a dynamically growing modern – culture is a priority task of the State Cultural Policy Strategy up to 2030. It is aimed at creating a positive cultural image of Russia around the world, making it possible to bring nations together, build friendly relations, develop cultural ties among countries and create communities that, at a qualitatively new level, boost the development of culture in various areas. What areas of culture should be supported and represented abroad? What support methods can be used? What role do business and philanthropic foundations play in exporting culture? What are the prospects for cooperation between Russian and international cultural institutions? What examples are there of successful Russian cultural projects on the international stage? What goals did they pursue? And what did they achieve? What issues need to be resolved in order to strengthen and expand the influence of Russian culture abroad by 2030? How can the Culture national project help achieve the goals in this area?

Nikolay Uskov, Editorial Director, Forbes

Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Oleg Zhukov, Partner, TM Defence
Georgios Katrougkalos, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic
Aleksey Lebedev, Director, Russian Seasons
Vladimir Medinskiy, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation
Fatima Mukhomedzhan, Deputy Director, The Art, Science and Sport Charity Foundation
Yuliana Slashcheva, Chairman of the Management Board, Soyuzmultfilm Film Studio
Zelfira Tregulova, General Director, The State Tretyakov Gallery

Front row participants
Ekaterina Galanova, Producer, Director; Founder, Head, ‘Dance Open’ International Ballet Festival
Vadim Duda, General Director, Russian State Library
Alexey Kalachev, Chief Executive Officer, Russia Convention Bureau
Marika Korotaeva, Co-Organizer, Project Kronstadt. Fort Island.
Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of the Russian Federation
Filip Perkon, Founder, Golden Unicorn Film Awards; Director, Perkon Productions
Tatyana Urzhumtseva, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center for the Study of China and Asian-Pacific Region Countries, Saint-Petersburg State Economic University
Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Chief Executive Officer of an Internationally Operating Private Historical Fortune
