The use of artificial intelligence has changed our way of life to the extent that we now expect a radical transformation of the way medical care is provided. Users must not only understand the possibilities of digital medicine but also benefit directly from using it. Mobile devices, technologies and applications, including cloud computing with mobile access to medical information, social media facilitating patient-doctor communications, and big data analysis allowing access to diagnostic information anytime and anywhere, will form the backbone of the modernization of global health systems. Robotics, nuclear medicine, cloud services, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and 3D organ printing are already here. In the new healthcare paradigm, breakthrough technologies are the cornerstone of its transformation and will allow us to achieve three main goals: reduce costs, improve quality, and increase the availability of medical care. What will healthcare look like in ten years’ time in Russia and elsewhere globally? Who will treat people in 20 years: a robot or a doctor? Will artificial intelligence be able to offer human touch such as communication, care, and decision-making when providing medical care? How can digital technologies affect the transparency and availability of medicines to the public? Which investments in digital healthcare are the most promising?
Moderator Guzel Ulumbekova,
Head, Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management
Guzel Ulumbekova
Head, Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management
Head of the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Medical Communities for the Quality of Medical Care and Medical Education. Chairman of the Commission on Continuing Education of the National Medical Chamber, member of the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia for Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education, member of the Board and Executive Secretary of the Russian Society for Healthcare Organization and Public Health. Since 2003, she has been heavily involved in expert activities on healthcare organization at the Civic Chamber and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the State Duma Committee on Healthcare, the Strategic Research Centre of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the WHO Council for Evidence-Based Medicine, etc. Guzel Ulumbekova is the author of the books Russia’s Healthcare. What Needs to Be Done (2010) and Russia’s Healthcare. What Needs to Be Done-2 (2015) and a textbook for medical schools Public Health and Healthcare (2011); she is a contributor to and a member of the editorial board of the national guide Public Health and Healthcare (2013).
Panellists Elena Boyko,
Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Dan Vahdat,
Co-Founder, Medopad Kostas Varlas,
Regional European Director, Diagnostics Division, Abbott Julie Gerberding,
Executive Vice President, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, Chief Patient Officer, MSD Armais Kamalov,
Director, University Clinic, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head of the Urology and Andrology Department, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University Nina Kandelaki,
President, Chief Executive Officer, GE Healthcare Russia and CIS Nelli Naigovzina,
Depurty Head, Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation Arkady Stolpner,
Chairman of the Board, Sergey Berezin Medical Institute Vladimir Chekhonin,
Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Department of Medical Nanobiotechnology of Medical and Biological Faculty, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Elena Boyko
Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Elena Boyko graduated from Novosibirsk State Technical University; in 2005 she completed professional retraining within the Federal Programme for the Training of Management Personnel for National Economy Organizations of the Russian Federation; in 2011 she completed the Master of Business Administration programmme at Antwerp Management School, Belgium. Previously, she was Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy for Informational Support of the State Authorities of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, where she was responsible for the development of medical services on the State and Public Services Portal within the Unified State Health Information System (EGISZ). Categories: director; IT and Communications Department.
Dan Vahdat
Co-Founder, Medopad
Dan Vahdat is the CEO and Founder of Medopad, a global HealthTech AI company with a vision to create a world where people can live longer. Headquartered in London with offices in the US and China, Medopad has been named a $1B Healthcare company in the making by KPMG. Vahdat was recently awarded CEO of the Year at WEBIT 2018 Global Summit. He pursued his PhD in Bioengineering at Johns Hopkins University and University of Oxford before leaving to start Medopad. Vahdat accompanied UK Prime Minister Theresa May on her state visit to China meeting President Xi in January 2018 and struck $140m worth of deals to improve Chinese patient care.
Kostas Varlas
Regional European Director, Diagnostics Division, Abbott
Konstantinos Varlas, Managing Director for diagnostics division Europe East, joined Abbott in 2001. In his current role, Konstantinos шы responsible for the implementation of effective diagnostic solutions of Abbott in Russia, Israel, Greece and other Eastern European countries. Konstantinos has been working in the healthcare industry for more than 20 years involved in several projects of Centralization and Private Public Partnership with different European Governments. He has been involved in strategic projects in China, focused in Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Monitoring In 2000 he was advisor of the Minister of Health in Greece changing the procurement legislation and establishing new administrative structure in Health Care System Konstantinos hold PhD in Neuroscience from McGill University focused in Declarative Memory.
Julie Gerberding
Executive Vice President, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, Chief Patient Officer, MSD
Dr. Julie Gerberding is Executive Vice President and Chief Patient Officer at Merck & Co., Inc., where she is responsible for a broad portfolio focused on patient engagement, strategic communications, global public policy, population health and corporate responsibility. She joined Merck in 2010 as president of Merck vaccines Previously, Dr. Gerberding was Director of the U.S. CDC, where she led the agency through 40+ emergency responses to public health crises. She serves on the Boards of Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), Cerner Corporation and the MSD Wellcome Trust Hilleman Laboratories, a non-profit that develops new technologies for developing countries. Dr. Gerberding has received more than 50 awards and honors, including the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Distinguished Service Award for her leadership in responses to anthrax bioterrorism and the September 11, 2001 attacks. In 2018, she was selected as the Healthcare Businesswomen Association’s Woman of the Year and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from eyeforpharma. Dr. Gerberding received her undergraduate and M.D. degrees from Case Western Reserve University. She completed her internship and residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology and Infectious Diseases at the University of California, San Francisco, where she is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine. Dr. Gerberding received a Master of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American College of Physicians. She is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
Armais Kamalov
Director, University Clinic, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head of the Urology and Andrology Department, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Director of the Medical Research and Educational Centre of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Urology and Andrology School of the Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation. The central focus of scientific research and practice: Armais Kamalov’s scientific research focuses on urology, andrology and fundamental medicine. He is the author of many research papers, including monographs, textbooks, books, manuals, and patents for inventions. He is the author of many research papers, including monographs, textbooks, books, manuals, and patents for inventions. He was a scientific advisor of 5 doctoral and ten master’s theses. In 1992, he passed Candidate’s thesis defence, in 1998 – PhD thesis defence. Both focused on scientific rationale and introduction of radically new endoscopic methods of treatment of urological diseases. Many years of scientific research and medical practice Armais Kamalov devoted to the development and implementation of high-tech minimally invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases, which significantly improved the outcome of treatment of many urological disorders. In recent years, he has been devoting much attention to establishing a new medicine based on an interdisciplinary approach to solving men's health problems and improving reproductive health. Through his direct involvement, the organization of a programme to protect the health of the male population, including the setting up specialized medical clinics was successfully implemented in the regions of the Russian Federation. Honours, awards • Medal for Labour Valour (1997) • Order of Honour 3rd Class (2006) • Winner of the Prizvanie (Vocation) National Award ‘The Best Doctor of Russia’ nomination ‘For Breaking a New Medical Ground’ (2006) • Lopatkin Award Winner ‘For the Contribution to the Development of Russian Urology’ (2007 & 2012) • Medal ‘For Contribution to International Cooperation’ (2011) • State Award ‘For Active Citizenship and Valuable Contribution to the Public and Political Life’ • Excellent Worker of Public Health (2012) • Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation (2016) • Certificate of Appreciation ‘For Merit to the Urban Community’ (2019) Armais Kamalov is a prominent scientist, teacher, top ranking urologist, who have mastered the most advanced treatment of urological diseases, a thought leader home and abroad. He is a well-regarded professional in public and professional communities.
Nina Kandelaki
President, Chief Executive Officer, GE Healthcare Russia and CIS
Nina Kandelaki was born on October 15th, 1975 in Moscow. She is married, and has two children. She attended the Moscow State Medical University and graduated with a degree of GP in 2000. Then she continued her education in internship in Cardiology. In 2002 Nina started her career in a science-led global healthcare company GlaxoSmithKline. In 2005 she joined Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices. Since joining GE Healthcare in 2008, Nina held several senior positions including Regional Director for Moscow and Central Russia. From 2014 through 2016 being the Commercial Director for GE Healthcare Russia/CIS, Nina was responsible for the business development and growth strategy in the region. In October 2016, Nina Kandelaki was appointed President and CEO of GE Healthcare Russia/CIS.
Nelli Naigovzina
Depurty Head, Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
Arkady Stolpner
Chairman of the Board, Sergey Berezin Medical Institute
Born March 28, 1958 in Leningrad. In 1982 Graduated Leningrad’s First Medical Institute named after Pavlov with a major in Medicine. Completed a post graduate course in VNIIFK in Leningrad in 1987. In 1990 graduated Shenyang Medical Institute in China with a degree in Oriental Medicine for foreigners. Since 1991 remained on senior staff of various hi-tech retail and R&D companies. Became CEO of LDC MIBS in 2003 and currently oversees all the innovative projects in the company. The list of company’s projects includes: Largest MRI network in Russia. Largest telemedical network. Center for radiosurgery and radiotherapy. World-class athlete in rowing. Married, raised a daughter and two sons.
Vladimir Chekhonin
Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Department of Medical Nanobiotechnology of Medical and Biological Faculty, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Chekhonin, born 1959. 1975-1981 studied and graduated from the Therapeutic faculty of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. In 1984 received a PhD (Candidate of Sciences Degree) the Biochemistry Department of the same University. My career at the Pirogov University began with the position of junior fellow at the Problem Laboratory for Immunochemistry of Malignant and Embryonic Tissues at the Biochemistry Department. Since 1986 my work has been connected with the Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. At the Center, I worked as senior fellow, leading the immunochemistry group and Head of the Immunochemistry Lab. Currently working as Director of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Neurobiology at the Serbsky Center. In 1989 I received a Doctoral Degree (Doctor of Sciences) in Biochemistry. Graduated from the International school of Neuroscience (Padova, Italy) in 1992. In 1993 I was awarded the title of Professor of Biochemistry by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia. Elected corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2002, became full member in 2005. Since 2011 – Secretary Academician of the Medical and Biological Department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2008 founded the Department of Medical Nanobiotechnologies at the Russian State Medical University. Since 2013 – member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and member of the RAS Presidium. Elected Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2017. Over 350 research publications, including 23 inventions and patents in Russia and 7 monographs published in Russia and abroad. Awards Laureate of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Gulevich Prize for the best paper on Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry Medal of the Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’, II class (2001) Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation (2007) Badge for Contributions to Healthcare (2013) Gold Medal of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (2015)
Front row participants Sergey Bagnenko,
Rector, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Ivan Belozertsev,
Governor of Penza Region Kirill Kaem,
Senior Vice-President for Innovations, Skolkovo Foundation Grigory Roytberg,
Chief Executive Officer, Medicina Igor Khatkov,
Chief Non-Staff Specialist Oncologist, Moscow City Healthcare Department
Sergey Bagnenko
Rector, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Academician I.P. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD, M.D.,Professor Sergey Bagnenko was born on 22nd September 1957 in Kherson. In 1980 he graduated with gold medal from Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. He studied in clinical residency at naval and hospital Surgery department. S.F. Bagnenko served as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. For the shown high moral and professional qualities during this period he was awarded the Order "For Service to Motherland in the Armed Forces» III degree. In 1987 he enrolled in the postgraduate course at the Department of the naval and hospital surgery in Military Medical Academy. In 1990 he defended his PhD thesis and in 1998 his doctoral thesis on "Diagnosis and surgical treatment of chronic biliary pancreatitis." In 1998 after the discharge from the Armed Forces, Sergey Bagnenko became a director of the St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. In 1999 he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 2000 he was elected as head of the newly established Department of damages surgery in St. Petersburg Medical Postgraduate Academy (now Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov), from 2010 he was Head of the Department of Surgery at St. Petersburg State University. The results of scientific research and clinical work of Sergey Bagnenko are published in more than 300 scientific articles, including 14 monographs, manuals and textbooks. He is co-author of 10 patents and 1 scientific discovery. 8 doctoral and 12 PhD theses were defended under his supervision. Professor Sergey Bagnenko successfully formed a scientific school for specialists in surgery injury and diseases of the pancreas. In 2005 Professor Sergey Bagnenko was elected as a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and in 2011 he became an Academician of the RAMS (now RAS) on a specialty "surgery". Since 2006 he is a member of the expert council of Higher Attestation Commission in surgical specialties. He is main free-lance specialist in emergency medical services of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. Sergey Bagnenko is : chief surgeon of the Russian Ministry of Health in the Northwest Federal District; Chairman of the problem commission "polytrauma" of the Scientific Council of RAS on emergency issues; a member of the problem commission "Extreme and terminal state RAMS"; deputy editor of "Ambulance" magazine, member of the editorial board of the journal "journal of surgery named after I.I. Grekov "and" Annals of surgical hepatology ". Since 1998 S.F Bagnenko is also Head of City Coordinating Council for the ambulance and he is a member of the Board of Transplantation. Sergey Bagnenko is actively engaged in the social work, he was repeatedly elected as a member of the Board of Pirogov Surgical Society, and in 2005-2007 he was its’ chairman. In 2003-2004 he was Head of Association of the medical organizations of Saint Petersburg. He is currently vice-president of the Russian public organization "Russian Medical Society." He is also the president of Russian Society of Emergency Medical Aid. During the election campaign of the President of Russia in 2012, he was the head of the election headquarters of V.V. Putin in St. Petersburg from Russian Popular Front. Sergey Bagnenko has following awards: Order "For Service to Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree, Order “For Merit for the Motherland” II degree, Medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg", a sign of "Excellent Health" and "Mercy", Medal "For Service in domestic health care ", Medal " For the salvation army community". He is Winner of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education (2013) and he also got the Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology (2015).
Ivan Belozertsev
Governor of Penza Region
Ivan Belozertsev was born on 15 September 1958 in Baranovo, Orel Region. In 1980, he graduated from Ulyanovsk Tank Academy and, in 1992, from the Armed Forces Academy. Mr Belozertsev started working as an assistant harvester operator while he was still at school. 1976–2004 – occupied various positions in the Army; 2004–2005 – Penza City Duma, Chairman; 2005–2012 –Mayor of Penza; 2012–2015 – Legislative Council of Penza Region, Chairman May 25, 2015 – appointed Acting Governor of Penza Region; September 13, 2015 – elected Governor of Penza Region; September 21, 2015 – officially assumed the office of Governor. Ivan Belozertsev was awarded the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” and other state awards. He holds a CSc in teacher training. Married with two children.
Kirill Kaem
Senior Vice-President for Innovations, Skolkovo Foundation
Kirill Kaem, whose family have been doctors for no fewer than seven generations, graduated from the Kirov State Medical Academy in Nizhny Novgorod in 1992. Five years later he graduated with distinction from the economics department at the Lobachevsky State University, after successfully completing his studies in Russia and the USA on an MBA program run jointly with Taylor University. He has over 20 years' experience in senior management roles, including 15 years as a CEO at the corporation's various international branches. He specializes in launching start-ups in new regions and countries, and new business areas at major firms. From 1992 to 1994 he owned his own business, distributing medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. In 1995 Kirill Kaem set up a network of regional outlets for the Swedish company Oriflame in the Volga Region, which helped it become one of the region's biggest tax-payers. In the year 2000 he began working in Germany, in the central office of the company Varta. After Varta's merger with the American group Spectrum Brands, he spent eight years in overall charge of the company's operations in Russia. In 2008 he relaunched the German and American holding JAFRA International in Russia, improving profit margins by 40%. In 2009 he took control of the Russian holding Hygiene Kinetics, the biggest manufacturer in the market for domestic paper and cellulose products. Within two years the company's sales growth was several times higher than average growth in the sector, thanks to the introduction of new technologies. From 2011 to 2013 he headed up a new area of business at 'Alpha Group' - the biggest federal chain of clinics, 'Alpha Health Centre', where in the space of a year he managed to double revenue, whilst the chain itself saw profits rise by over a third. From 2013 onwards he has been a member of the Board of Directors and a co-founder of the international medical centre 'Medcluster', set up at the initiative of Sberbank in partnership with Strategy Group Partners, with Johns Hopkins Medicine International as a potential partner. From 2013-2017 he was director of the Skolkovo Foundation’s biomed cluster.
Grigory Roytberg
Chief Executive Officer, Medicina
Mr. Roytberg is the director of JSC Medicina as well as a practicing doctor and scientist. Grigory was at the forefront of the introduction of such fundamental diagnostics techniques such as coronary angiography and echocardiography. He is the founder of the scientific school for metabolic syndrome and the author of over 200 scientific papers, including six monographs. After graduating from the Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute in 1974, he took up clinical residency with a major in Cardiology. During his studies, he worked as a doctor in the cardiology department, and then in the cardiac intensive care unit of the Seventh Moscow City Hospital. In 1982, he defended his thesis and was awarded the title of associate professor. He obtained a Doctorate of Medical Sciences in 1990. In the same year under, the Medicina clinic was founded under Roitberg’s guidance. The Therapy and Family Medicine Department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) has been working on the core of the Medicina clinic under the supervision of Mr. Roytberg since 1998. Mr. Roytberg was awarded the title of Honoured Doctor of the Russian Federation in 2003 and elected as a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2005. The textbook “Laboratory and Instrumental Diagnostics of Diseases of the Internal Organs”, which was prepared in collaboration with Professor A. Strutynsky, the chair of the RNRMU Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department, was awarded the Prize of the Moscow Mayor in medicine. In 2010, Mr. Roytberg was awarded the Prize of the RF Government in education for the series of works “Fundamentals of the clinical diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs”. In 2011, Grigory Roytberg was elected a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Igor Khatkov
Chief Non-Staff Specialist Oncologist, Moscow City Healthcare Department
Igor Khatkov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, director of the Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Centre, Chief Non-Staff Specialist Oncologist, Moscow City Healthcare Department, Head of Department at the General Medicine Faculty of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Igor Khatkov is one of the pioneers of laparoscopic surgery in oncology. He was the first in Russia to perform pancreatoduodenal resection on a pancreatic head cancer patient. His achievements are widely recognized throughout Russian and international community. Igor Khatkov is the president of the Russian Pancreatology Club, a board member of the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association of Commonwealth of Independent States, board member of the Russian Endoscopic Society, member and expert of the International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association (IНPBА), member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). He has been awarded with the Alexander Vishnevsky Medal for his achievements in medical science, with a commemorative medal of the A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, with the Russian Health Minister Certificate of Honour, State Duma Certificate of Honour, Government of Moscow Certificate of Honour, and the Moscow Healthcare Department Certificate of Honour.
“Digital economy is a new paradigm for the development of the state, the economy and society.”
Greetings to participants, organisers, and guests of the
27th St Petersburg International Economic Forum
“For more than a quarter of a century, the Forum has provided an opportunity for politicians, experts, business leaders, academics, and media professionals from around the world to hold in-depth discussions on key economic development trends in Russia and the world. Participants in plenary sessions, roundtables and panel discussions exchange views on ways to promote international cooperation, encourage scientific and technological progress and the development of human capital, and to effectively tackle the challenges we face.
The theme of the current meeting, The Foundations of a Multipolar World – The Formation of New Areas of Growth, is highly relevant and meaningful. A growing part of the international community is in favour of building a just and democratic system of international relations based on the principles of genuine equality, consideration for each other’s legitimate interests, and respect for the cultural and civilisational diversity of nations. It is precisely these principles that underpin the activities of BRICS, which Russia is chairing this year. It is symbolic that the history of this dynamically developing association, whose members already account for more than a third of the global economy, began at the 10th St Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2006.
Our country is open to constructive dialogue and interaction with partners and is ready to work together to address the economic, social, scientific and technological challenges of our time.
I am confident that the Forum will jump-start new and promising initiatives and projects, fostering mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries and peoples.