
How Can Financial Centres Survive in the Era of FinTech?

06 Jun , 11:00–12:15
Technologies Shaping the Future
conference hall (Krasnodar Region stand)

The development of financial technologies changes the usual models of provision of financial services, leading to deeper changes in the economic structure of society, including transformation of the existing model of financial centres. Nowadays major IT companies have become the biggest financial institutions, leading to depreciation of localization in the near future. Will financial companies and financiers disappear from the urban environment? What is Moscow’s potential as a centre of FinTech? Competitive infrastructure, legal and tax conditions, reputation, the educational ecosystem, as well as concentration of the financial industry are fundamental advantages of a traditional international financial centre and should be used to promote environment conducive to innovation in a city. In 2018, a representative of the Russian financial market, the Forum Analytical Centre, became one of the co-founders of the international non-profit organization World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), bringing together specialized financial industry organizations from Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. How will the transformation of the financial industry affect the urban economy? Can financial centres become FinTech centres? How can financial centres attract new capital, talent, and technology? What conditions should be created in the cities to support technology and the emergence of ‘unicorns’? Which regulatory models will be effective not only for the financial industry, but also for the society at large? What place on the global technology map does the FinTech sector occupy, and why is it vital for urban development?

Maxim Filimonov, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Editor, TASS Russia

Yousuf Mohamed Al-Jaida, Chief Executive Officer, Qatar Financial Centre
Alexander Voloshin, Chairman of the Board, Analitycal Center "Forum"; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Independent Director, First Freight Company (PGK)
Oleg Vyugin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange PJSC; Member of the Board of Directors, Independent Director, Rosneft
Hubertus Vaeth, Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance eV
Arnaud De Bresson, Chief Executive Officer, Paris Europlace
Anatoly Karachinsky, President, IBS Group
Bob Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC
Dmitry Snesar, Senior Vice President, Head of Client Coverage, VTB
