The Investment Attractiveness and Export Potential of Strategically Important Industries
The Covid-19 pandemic has not just affected Russia – it has left every country in dire straits. If global markets were strained before the crisis, they will become increasingly fraught with difficulties. That is why, along with implementing urgent support measures, Russia should preserve select market niches and retain its leading position in many areas of technological development that are deemed crucial to its economic stability and national security. This essentially involves systemically important verticals that have accumulated manufacturing capabilities and skills that are already supporting the launch of competitive high-tech manufacturing with significant export potential. Moreover, these verticals are at the heart of the civilian and military-industrial markets, producing goods for civilian, military and dual-use purposes. The military and industrial verticals have a long history, and remain a driver of high-tech manufacturing. The development of systemically important verticals involves drawing on various support measures, from direct budgetary financing and regulation to short-term extrabudgetary financing of infrastructure projects that involve diverse mechanisms and financing instruments. Who are the potential investors and beneficiaries? What needs to be done to make investing in systemically important verticals favourable and convenient, not only for Russian businesses but foreign partners? What can help strengthen the export potential of Russian high-tech goods?