The Intellectual Property Ecosystem in the Making
Companies’ intangible assets are important drivers of innovation in the knowledge economy, and intellectual property is helping to spur socioeconomic development and attract investment. In this new paradigm, a carefully considered rights management strategy is becoming a key element in business. Without proper patent analysis, it is impossible to develop an effective marketing policy. The development of the intellectual property ecosystem is now an issue facing Russia and the entire globe. It encompasses creating the foundations for a market system supporting IP, as well as ways to commercialize intellectual property in order to implement innovative solutions that impact the economy. How can patenting and the application of key technical solutions be encouraged? What can be done to ensure that intellectual property owners benefit from the use of their creations? How can motivation be maintained, and what measures should be taken to protect the rights of creators, researchers, and businesses, and ensure that they are fairly compensated? What economic tools need to be employed to develop a new intellectual property ecosystem, and what opportunities exist to foster a culture of respecting intellectual rights and developing management expertise in this respect? What organizations could act as drivers of growth, and what role should the government play?