Business programme

Corporations and Employees: How to Manage Human Capital in a Post-COVID World

04 Jun , 12:00–13:15
The Human Factor in Responding to Global Challenges
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
In partnership with Severstal

The pandemic has altered the way employees perceive themselves, forcing companies to rethink the principles of corporate culture. Developing new skills and building new approaches to workflow management and employment are now among the highest priorities for successful management in the post-COVID world. Examples of effective adaptation by business have shown that the companies of the future will focus on services that can create a unique competitive advantage. Flexible organization and workflow, flat hierarchies, and requests for reduced supervision are not always in line with the ideas of efficiency that prevail among top management at large companies and which are deeply ingrained in Russian corporate culture. Will the employee of the future be interested in corporate values? How can business benefit from change by effectively managing human capital? What does the future hold for corporate employees and what leaders do they need? What will benchmark employment models look like in 5–7 years (freelance, part-time, expert platforms, professional outsourcing)?

Agnes Ritter, Chief Technical Officer, Severstal Management

Igor Korytko, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, Tube Metallurgical Company (TMK)
Andrey Mityukov, General Director, Managing Partner, TalentTech
Danny Perekalsky, Chief Executive Officer, Utkonos
Yakov Sergienko, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
Andrei Filatov, General Manager, SAP CIS
Olga Filatova, Professor of Practice, Graduate School of Business, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Barbara Frei, Executive Vice-President for Industrial Automation Business, Schneider Electric
