Who’s Cashing in on Whom: Bloggers on Business or Business on Bloggers?
Influencer marketing is one of the fastest growing advertising channels. Social media and messenger audiences are growing around the world each day, and major brands are reallocating resources to invest in advertising by bloggers. Data from RBC and the Association of Communication Agencies shows that YouTube and Instagram bloggers saw their income soar to RUB 11 billion in 2020, which is RUB 3 billion more than the advertising revenue of all newspaper and magazine publishers. Influencer ad campaigns can have a powerful commercial impact using the right channel. Blogger advertising: hype or a real business tool? Can collaborating with an influencer negatively affect a brand’s reputation? What promotional formats exist in social media and how do you not only choose the right channel, but also measure its effectiveness? How can a blogger and a business establish mutually beneficial cooperation, and is an intermediary needed for this? How should the new media market be regulated and how should previous legislation be adapted? Can bloggers compete with businesses by launching their own brands?
Alexey Giyazov,
Marketing and Communication Director, Alfa Bank
Yaroslav Andreev,
Entrepreneur, Investor, Producer; Founder, DreamTeam House (TikTok); Founder, WildJam
Ekaterina Veselkova,
General Director, Gazprom-Media Sales House
Vladislav Kreinin,
Senior Vice President, Director of Marketing and Communications Department, Sberbank
Stanislav Kruglitsky,
Oleg Lebedev,
Marketing Director, Aliexpress Russia
Daniil Milokhin,