Drug Security Forum

Medicines for Children: New Tools and Technologies

02 Jun , 12:15–13:45
Drug Security Forum
Panel Session
Pavilion G, conference hall G2

The rapidly changing situation in the children’s drug market in Russia requires a revision of the principles determining relations between ministries, medical institutions, public organizations, regional governments and pharmaceutical companies. The establishment by the government of the Circle of Kindness Foundation has served as a precedent for changing the way non-profit organizations, government, and businesses interact. It has impacted the redistribution of resources between state and charitable programmes in the interests of children. This new environment is creating opportunities to solve issues related to drug supplies for children. However, new risks are also emerging, and efforts need to be made to identify fresh approaches to organizing medical assistance for children. In Russia, a new drug supply sector is currently being built alongside the already children’s drug market. That means any successful practice, whether in Russia or elsewhere, needs to be considered in order to ensure access to the latest essential drug therapies. Why are there problems in the drug supply for children, and how might the supply of drugs to children in Russia become a separate industry? What are the most successful practices of drug supply for children today? Which patient groups are in particular need of an update to current drug supply models? What should be the role of the Circle of Kindness Foundation in Russia’s drug supply system? Should it focus on specific categories and diseases, or act as a drug supply lifeline? How can the Circle of Kindness Foundation impact supplies for patients with rare diseases? What government initiatives concerning drug supply for children are under consideration today, and which offer strong potential for implementation and expansion?

Vitaliy Omelyanovskiy, General Director, Center for Healthcare Quality Assessment and Control of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Elena Astapenko, Director, Department of Pharmaceutical Provision and Regulation of the Circulation of Medical Devices, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Elena Maksimkina, Director, Federal State Institution "Federal Center for Planning and Regulation Of Medical Supply Circulation"
Aleksandr Rumyantsev, President, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre (online)
Alexandra Frank, Director, Producer; Founder, "Star On The Palm" Charitable Foundation for Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Children's Health Promotion
Akthem Fourati, Chief of Medicines and Nutrition Centre of Supply Division, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Oleg Ergashev, Vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg

Front row participants
Olga Germanenko, Founder, Director, SMA Families Foundation
Yuriy Zhulev, President, Russian Hemophilia Society
Alyona Khmelnitskaya, Actress; Actress; Chief Executive Officer, "Star On The Palm" Charitable Foundation for Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Children's Health Promotion
