Export: Where and How SMEs Can Sell
During the pandemic, the International Cooperation and Export National Project has seen substantive changes to its main goals and to the project overall. This has necessitated a ‘restart’ of existing support measures, including trade representative offices, a simplification of export regulations, logistical aid, supporting exhibitions and business missions, lending, and insuring against risk. Russian companies are currently hesitant to begin exporting due to a lack of confidence in their capacities and financial difficulties. Equally importantly, they are troubled by a lack of experience working with international partners and in foreign markets in general. There is a lack of understanding of their own capacities and a lack of expertise, even when cooperating with and receiving support from regional export assistance centres. Companies can only be competitive in global markets with support of effective state measures that are specifically tailored to the goods being exported, the size of the exporting company, shipping geography, as well as many other factors. What significant changes have been made to the International Cooperation and Export National Project and what are the results? How can public monitoring of the effectiveness and timeliness of spending be conducted, and how can corrections be made? What is the role of industry organizations in achieving results? Promoting regional export – is the ‘single window’ approach truly an effective instrument or is it just automated registration? How can exports be further increased? Are new instruments needed? KPI for exporters: who can lend a hand?
Nikolai Dunayev,
Vice President, OPORA RUSSIA All-Russian Non-governmental Organization of Small and Medium Business
Alexander Kalinin,
President, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Ilya Kretov,
General Manager Global Emerging Markets, eBay
Oleg Malakhov,
Member of the General Council, Delovaya Rossiya All Russia Public Organization
Veronika Nikishina,
General Director, Russian Export Center
Vasily Osmakov,
First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Victor Pomeshchikov,
Co-Founder, TOTO-nabytek Electronic Marketplace
Alexander Ruppel,
Deputy Head of Administration of Krasnodar Region
Nadiya Cherkasova,
Deputy President - Chairman of the Board, Otkritie Bank
Front row participants
Rushan Giniyatov,
Founder, AsiaExpert
Ivan Demchenko,
Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, Novostal-M
Nikolay Miroshnichenko,
Founder, E.MI
Sergey Sokolov,
General Director, Novosibirskkhleboprodukt