Promising Sales Markets: Electronic Marketplaces, Chain Stores, Consumers' Co-Operatives, and Tourism
The coronavirus has had an effect on every part of the economy. The restrictions put in place in response to the coronavirus have hit small and medium-sized enterprises the hardest. Moreover, the difficult economic situation has forced businesses to search for promising alternative sales markets. The phenomenon of marketplaces driving business growth has been a major trend in recent years. The pandemic has increased the volume of electronic purchases made by those already versed in e commerce and attracted absolute novice e-shoppers to the Internet. Today, marketplaces serve as a global sales market. How have sales markets changed in the post COVID world? Who benefits from using marketplaces and aggregators? Are these mechanisms effective for SMEs? What must be taken into account before entering a marketplace? What are some of the pitfalls that entrepreneurs may encounter? Can e-commerce edge out classic commerce? In what areas?
Julia Ermilova,
Head of the «Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Support of the Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative» Editorial, TASS News Agency
Sergey Gritsay,
First Deputy Chairman of the Council, Central Union of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation (Centrosoyuz of Russia)
Denis Dybov,
Individual Entrepreneur
Yekaterina Zinovyeva,
Minister of Investments, Industry, and Science of the Moscow Region
Aleksandr Isayevich,
General Director, Chairman of the Board, Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation
Alexander Kalinin,
President, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Aleksey Kozhevnikov,
General Director, Konstruktor Puteshestvij LLC
Ilya Kretov,
General Manager Global Emerging Markets, eBay
Sergey Lebedev,
Vice President of Government Relations, AliExpress Russia
Alexander Lybanev,
Chief Executive Officer, Zakupshchik.RF
Vladimir Mishelovin,
Head of Fiscal Control Department, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
Pavel Titov,
President, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)