VEB Space: A Space of Trust Between Business and the State
The government of Russia initiated a large-scale reform of the system of development institutions in order to improve the efficiency of their activities and focus them on achieving the strategic national priorities determined by the president. Development institutions were united around VEB.RF to form a new VEB.RF Group. What are the preliminary results of the reform? What does the new strategy of development institutes look like? What tools do they offer to the state and business? What is the expected result of their activity? What projects of national importance does VEB.RF implement and what impact will they have on the economy and quality of life? The CEOs of VEB.RF and development institutions will defend the Group's new strategy before representatives of the authorities and the business community.
Yermolai Solzhenitsyn,
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
Peter Lloyd O'Brien,
Member of the Management Board, Managing Director for Economics and Finance, SIBUR Holding
Julia Chupina,
Senior Vice President, Sberbank
Igor Shuvalov,
Chairman, VEB.RF