Stress and the Modern World: What Causes Emotional Burnout?
Burnout is a destructive process individuals experience as a result of the high levels of stress that accompany modern life. Chronic stress leads to hormonal dysfunction, sapping the adrenal glands, thinning blood vessels, and leading to insulin resistance and other systemic failures. The neuroinflammation that accompanies stress gradually leads to immune exhaustion and triggers ageing mechanisms while altering emotional responses amidst deteriorating mental health. The negative effect of emotional burnout on the economic efficiency of a business would justify focussing public mental health strategies on individuals of working age and those in professions characterized by high levels of emotional and mental stress. How can we learn to live with such pervasive stress inducing factors? What programmes and approaches can modern medicine offer to support the body stricken with chronic stress and avoid burnout? How can we strike a balance between life and work in a systematic way? What government and corporate programmes for preventing occupational stress could help identify stress at an early stage and reduce the likelihood of psycho-emotional risks presenting in the workplace? How might modern emotional burnout be approached with pharmacopoeia and at what point should neurologists and psychiatrists get involved? How can stress prevention be made more cost-effective than treatment?
Mikhail Khors,
Head of the "Laboratory of Health Psychology", FSBI "National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Health of Russia; TV presenter, Channel One, TV channel "Doctor"
Olga Aprelikova,
Founder, University of Educational Medicine
Alexey Danilov,
Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); executive Director, Association for Ensuring Effective Cooperation of Specialists in the Field of Interdisciplinary Medicine
Marina Kurganova,
Director, National Agency for the Development of Social Initiatives
Alexey Moskalev,
Director of the Research Institute of Aging Biology, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky
Tatyana Savinova,
Deputy Governor of the Orenburg Region
Anastasia Treshchevskaya,
Chief Freelance Psychotherapist, Committee for Health of the Leningrad Region
Front row participant
Fedor Raschevsky,
Curator of the course "Interior Design", British Higher School of Art and Design