Business programme

Development of Cooperation in the Diamond Industry among BRICS Countries

06 Jun , 11:00–12:15
The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy
pavilion F, conference hall F1
In partnership with ALROSA

During its chairship of BRICS in 2024, Russia is focused on building a constructive dialogue with all interested countries. This includes creating an independent agenda for open and fair cooperation in the global diamond industry, which is currently undergoing major structural changes. The global diamond market is going through a stage of inevitable fragmentation due to excessive industry regulation with new trade barriers that bypass the universal Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). In order to maintain stability on the global diamond market, Russia, along with the countries of Africa and Latin America, which account for roughly 90% of the world’s diamond output, need to protect the common interests of the diamond mining industry and the free trade system for diamond products based on the principles of the KPCS. How can we ensure that BRICS markets remain free and open to diamond trade, taking into account the interests of both diamond-producing countries and the leading centres of diamond trade and jewellery product consumption?

Petr Karakchiev, Expert, Russia-Angola Business Council

Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)
Pavel Marinychev, Сhief Executive Officer – Chairman of the Executive Committee, ALROSA
Julius Mattai, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Sierra Leone
Anoop Mehta, President, Bharat Diamond Bourse
Nosiphiwo Mzamo, Chief Executive Officer, State Diamond Trader (Republic of South Africa)
Alexei Moiseev, Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation
Ellah Muchemwa, Executive Director, African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA)
Aisen Nikolaev, Head of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Winston Chitando, Minister of Mines and Mining Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe
