Russia – Latin America
In an era of global uncertainty, Latin America consistently holds a special place in Russia’s foreign relations as a friendly region open to mutually beneficial cooperation. The increasing role of the Latin American region as one of the centres of the new multipolarity fully aligns with Russian interests. New dimensions, success stories, and joint breakthroughs are emerging in the multifaceted and constructive interaction between Russia and its Latin American partners. Trade turnover statistics from recent years show that Russian companies continue to expand their presence in Latin American markets despite unprecedented sanctions pressure. How is the implementation of strategic joint projects progressing, and what role do they play in improving the welfare of the people of Russia and the region’s countries? Which industries currently appear the most promising for mutual investments and increasing trade turnover? How can companies minimize their costs from logistical and financial constraints?
Sergey Brilev,
Anchor; President, The Global Energy Association
Carlos Barrera Romero,
Vice-President, National Chamber of the Transformation Industry of Mexico
Pablo Cousino,
Chairman, Russia–Argentina Council of Entrepreneurs
Sirodzh Loikov,
First Deputy General Director, Member of the Board of Directors, PhosAgro
Jose Felix Rivas Alvarado,
Sectoral Vice President of Economy, Minister of the People's Power for Industries and National Production of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Eduardo Rodriguez,
Deputy Executive Director, URUGUAY XXI (online)
Vadim Titov,
Chief Executive Officer, Private institution "Rusatom International Network" (State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM)
Clarems Endara Vera,
Permanent Secretary, Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
Front row participants
Nikita Anisimov,
First Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Issues of Sovereignty, Patriotic Projects and Support for Veterans, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
Denis Kravchenko,
Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy
Alexander Makarov,
Director, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute