Russia – Africa
On 27–28 July 2023, St. Petersburg hosted a landmark event for Russian–African relations: the second Russia–Africa Summit, which also included the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum. The St. Petersburg summit marked a qualitatively new stage in Russian–African relations amid tectonic shifts in the entire system of international relations. Less than a year has passed since the Summit, and its results are already bearing fruit. Projects are being proactively implemented across the whole range of relations with the countries of the continent. This trend is in the interests of both Russia and the Global South, including African states, and lays the foundations for a new, fairer world order. Why are Africans ready to work with Russia, despite threats from the US and the collective West? What efforts are being made today by Russia and African states to ensure sovereignty and security in every area: energy, food, finance, technology, and information? What role does scientific, educational, and humanitarian cooperation play in our interaction? How can the potential of BRICS and the African Union be harnessed for Russia–Africa interaction? Which new mechanisms, instruments, and tools of the Russia–Africa partnership have already proved their effectiveness?
Irina Abramova,
Director, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Malik Agar,
Deputy Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council of the Republic of the Sudan
NJ Ayuk,
Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber
Denis Gribov,
Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
Alexey Gruzdev,
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Konyaev,
General Director, URALCHEM
Sergey Levin,
Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Julius Mattai,
Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Sierra Leone
Felix Moloua,
Prime Minister of the Central African Republic
Oleg Ozerov,
Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Head, Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum
Anastasia Pavlenko,
Deputy Executive Director, Director for Strategic Partnerships, Innopraktika
Evgeny Primakov,
Head, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo)
Ingrid Olga Ghislaine Ebouka-Babackas,
Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration of the Republic of the Congo