Business programme

Family Values and Traditions as a Foundation for Sustainable Development

07 Jun , 09:00–10:00
A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State
pavilion G, conference hall G2

Families are the cornerstone of society and a key element in its stability and development, so supporting them is one of the government’s best investments for the future. Current social, economic, demographic, and spiritual challenges require all public institutions to combine their capabilities in order to achieve effective results in preserving the traditional foundations of the family and creating conditions to maintain a high quality of life. Non-profit organizations make an invaluable contribution to the development and implementation of programmes to support families, create innovative projects, and quickly respond to new challenges and needs. A partnership between the government, business, and non-profits will make it possible to properly implement family support programmes, taking into account the needs and special features of the ultimate recipients of social services. How can the private sector help the government promote traditional family values and strengthen the institution of family? What long-term social projects in family development are being implemented today? What practices do the regions use to support families?

Anton Dolgov, Executive Director, Presidential Grants Foundation

Abbess Sofia (Silina), Abbess of the Resurrection Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg; Chairman of the St. Petersburg regional branch, International public organization "Union of Orthodox Women"
Alexey Goreslavsky, General Director, Internet Development Institute (IRI)
Maria Zalunina, Head of CSR, National Media Group
Maria Lvova-Belova, Presidential Commissioner of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights
Lilia Ovcharova, Vice Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Oleg Sviridenko, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Anna Tsivileva, Chairman, State Fund "Defenders of the Fatherland"
