Business programme

Russia’s Data Economy: Shaping Trajectories to 2050

07 Jun , 09:00–10:00
Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E12
In partnership with SKB Kontur

The massive and diverse systemic changes that have taken place in the global economy in recent years have raised a number of serious questions for Russia about its future potential in economics, science, and technology over the period until 2050. One answer could be the establishment of a data economy, which would create a multiplier and platform-based effect and enable the country to achieve technological sovereignty. However, this enormous undertaking requires the active involvement of all the leading actors in this process: science and universities, companies that actively work in the digital environment with big data, as well as the relevant ministries and development institutions. What kind of analysis should be conducted to determine the trajectories for the country’s development until 2050? What is the government prepared to do to ensure Russia’s technological sovereignty and phase out imports of foreign products as an integral component of this process? What can companies that work with big data and the business ecosystems they are creating do to digitalize business and its interaction with the government? What skills are crucial for the people who will achieve these goals, and where will they find new human resources, considering the record low unemployment levels and impending demographic decline?

Alexander Chulok, Director, Centre for Science and Technology Foresight, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Vladimir Vasiliev, Rector, ITMO National Research University
Dmitry Grigoriev, General Director, CIAN
Anton Dumin, Head of the Department of Information Technology, Automation and Telecommunications, Gazprom Neft
Elena Martynova, Deputy Head,The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Mikhail Srodnykh, General Director, SKB Kontur
Nikolay Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Russian Agricultural Bank
Darii Khalitov, Senior Vice President for Information Technology, Rostelecom
