Business programme

‘The Empire of Evil’: Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?

07 Jun , 10:30–11:30
The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy
RT Teledebates
pavilion G, conference hall G6

Western political elites and media have spent decades cultivating a negative image of Russia. Over the past two years demonisation of Russia has reached new levels. The country is now seen as a threat to the whole of Europe. Claims that the conflict in Ukraine is just the first step have become axiomatic in Western discourse. Has the West's smear campaign succeeded? Are people in NATO countries convinced that Russia is to be feared? Is there consensus among the EU nations and the U.S.? Which trends in which countries dominate in 2024?

Oksana Boyko, Host, Correspondent of the Directorate of Broadcasting Programs in English, RT TV Channel

Alexander von Bismarck, Chairman, Bismarck Dialogue
Karin Kneissl, Head, Center G.O.R.K.I. (Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues) SPbU; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017–2019)
Tara Reade, Writer, Publicist; assistant to the President of the United States of America Joseph Biden (1992–1993)
Scott Ritter, UN Weapons Inspector (1991−1998) (online)
Jackson Hinkle, Blogger, Influencer, Political Commentator
