Business programme

Global Projects of Russian Sport

07 Jun , 10:30–11:30
Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle
Congress Centre, zone E, conference hall E11

Russian sport is successfully rolling out new major competitions, which include offering promising formats to the world. The Spartakiad, which created internal competition during the Soviet era, has been revived. The Games of the Future have set a global trend with their phygital format. The geography of ZaBeg.RF (called One Run outside of Russia) is rapidly expanding. In June, Russia will host the BRICS Games. Work is underway to create an international multi-day cycling race, the Grand Tour of Russia. Another new global project for world sports will be the Friendship Games, a commercial competition featuring the strongest athletes. What are the advantages of this project? A significant part of the Friendship Games’ budget will come from gambling royalties. How does this funding mechanism work? What funding from gambling does mainstream sport receive? What is the potential, including international, of Russian events in running and triathlon? How are Russian club formats entering the international arena? What is the legacy of the Spartakiad? When will Russia have its own top multi-day cycling race?

Ksenia Shoygu, President, Russian Triathlon Federation; Leader, League of Heroes Project

Irina Viner, President, Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation
Alexey Grachev, General Director, Unified Gambling Regulator
Mikhail Degtyarev, Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation
Umar Kremlev, President, International Boxing Association (IBA)
Alexander Tashchin, General Producer, Match TV

Front row participants
Denis Annikov, Director, Race of Heroes
Vyacheslav Ekimov, President, Russian Cycling Federation; Three-Time Olympic Cycling Champion
Natalia Malinova, Vice President, VTB Bank; General Director, Exhibition Center Dynamo Museum
Veronica Stepanova, Olympic Champion in Cross-Country Skiing
Igor Stolyarov, Head, Game of the Future 2024 Project
