Business programme

Stability, Predictability, and Transparency of Business as Economic Growth Factors

07 Jun , 10:30–11:30
Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle
Congress Centre, zone B, 2nd floor, conference hall B2

Russia has firmly embarked on a course of economic growth. Despite a record number of sanctions, macroeconomic turbulence, and changes in the framework of international cooperation, the appropriate actions by the country’s leadership have guaranteed compliance with the constitutional requirements of ensuring stable and predictable civil commerce. In 2023, Russia recorded GDP growth of 3.6%, which was one of the highest indicators of the last decade. The country now faces the challenge of implementing the plans announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in April to introduce a new economic growth model, expand the horizons of budget planning, and create conditions for a breakthrough in unleashing the potential of domestic business in the IT industry, machine tool industry, manufacturing, tourism, and other sectors. Large-scale and ambitious investment projects must be implemented, including in new regions of the Russian Federation. To this end, prosecutors are taking proactive measures to enhance the legal protection of businesses. Oversight is being provided for all the different types of support and promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives in the Russian jurisdiction, including in territories with special economic regimes, and an effective legal framework is being established that is not burdensome for the business community. The country has intensified the international exchange of best practices with prosecutors and anti-corruption agencies from other countries. Why is it crucial for the prosecutor’s office to be proactive in its oversight and coordinating role in creating comfortable conditions for doing business? How does the internally consistent nature of the legal framework affect the stability and predictability of business and investment activity? What measures are being taken to reduce the administrative burden? What could help to strengthen the confidence of conscientious foreign investors?

Petr Marchenko, TV and Radio Presenter; Russian Journalist

Beatriz Da Consolacao Mateus Buchili Seuane, General Prosecutor of the Republic of Mozambique
Manuel Antonio Diaz Galeas, General Prosecutor of the Republic of Honduras
Daniil Egorov, Head, Federal Tax Service of Russia
Alexander Kalinin, President, All‑Russian Non‑Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Igor Krasnov, General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
Svetlana Orlova, Auditor of Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
Andrei Razin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Alexey Khersontsev, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Front row participants
Ruslan Davydov, First Deputy Head, Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation
Elina Sidorenko, Director of the Center for Digital Economy and Financial Innovation, MGIMO University; General Director, Platform for Business.RF
