Business programme

Say No to Fraud: Protect Not Steal

07 Jun , 10:30–11:30
Technologies for Leadership
pavilion G, conference hall G7

The phone fraud problem has evolved into a critical emergency: people in Russia receive 20 million scam calls every day; damages caused by cybercrime in 2023 exceeded RUB 150 billion (according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs). Today, cybercrime accounts for 38 % of all committed crimes (as estimated by the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office). The National Anxiety Index survey shows that falling prey to fraud is one of the top fears for Russians. To protect people better, the Russian MIA and banks have set up communication channels for information exchange; spoofing phone numbers has been legally banned. But why has all of our action so far proved insufficient? How can we put an end to fraud, and what should we be doing right now?

Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank
