Business programme

People Who Change the World: What Will the New Industrial Cinema Be Like?

06 Jun , 17:00–18:15
A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State
pavilion H, Krasnodar Region Hall

Throughout the history of Soviet cinematography, films about work, industry, technology, and the achievements of domestic production were of great importance. Today, however, the experience of making ‘industrial’ films has largely been lost. Industrial enterprises with modern, innovative production facilities can become a unique base for the making of feature films, documentaries, and films about popular science, contribute to the growth of film production in the regions, and encourage young people to choose engineering and other blue-collar professions. How does the state support industrial projects and how can they benefit business? What place does ‘industrial’ cinema have in career guidance for young people? What language should cinema use to speak to the next generation? How can industrial cinema find a wide audience and catch viewers’ interest? How can the synergy of industrialists and filmmakers give a new perspective on Russian industry?

Dmitry Pristanskov, State Secretary - Vice President, Norilsk Nickel; Film producer, Co-Founder of the film company "Monumental Vision"

Alexey Goreslavsky, General Director, Internet Development Institute (IRI)
Maxim Dreval, General Director, Russian "Znanie" Society
Alexander Zhuravsky, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects
Nataliya Klibanova, Chief Producer, Amedia Production Film Company
Dmitry Tabarchuk, General Director, NMG Studio
David Henderson-Stewart, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Raketa Watch Factory
Viktor Shadrin, General Director, Sverdlovsk Film Studio
Elena Shumakova, Deputy Governor of Khanty‑Mansi Autonomous Area–Yugra

Front row participants
Dmitry Davidenko, Director of the Department of Cinematography and Digital Development, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Yulianna Medvedeva, General Producer, Medvedfilm Production
