The VinoGrad Themed Venu

Marketing and Promotion of Russian Wine: From Dusk to Dawn

17 Jun , 12:00–13:30
The "VinoGrad" Program
Open dialogue
Passage in zone G, VinoGrad

The development of the country's economy implies the development not only of the industrial segment but also of agriculture, in particular viticulture. However, it is impossible to develop a sector which is practically "forbidden". This affects not only the industry itself, but also all sectors directly or indirectly related to it. The lack of promotional tools and restrictions leads us to a situation where the consumption of quality domestic wine is virtually forbidden. The undeveloped culture of alcohol consumption in our country, in turn, leads to an increase in the illegal production of these products, with all the negative consequences for the health of citizens and the Russian economy.
In the context of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin's order to adopt a set of measures to increase the promotion of domestic wines in the domestic market, the panellists will raise topical issues for the industry. In particular, experts will express their views on legislative restrictions, which impede full promotion of domestically produced wines. How can one speak about the industry when it is practically impossible to promote wine? And is it even possible to think of legislative mechanisms that would really help the industry to develop?

(Marketing in the Russian wine industry – product, pricing, sales and distribution channels, promotion. Branding and positioning)

Dmitry Mednikov, Managing Director, Russian Media Group

Maria Goreslavskaya, Editor-in-Chief, Online Travel and European Lifestyle Magazine; Co-founder, All-Russian Wine Card Award Russian Wine Awards
Anatoly Korneev, Co-founder, and Vice President of Simple Group
Denis Prokopenko, Owner and Chief Executive Officer, "Company" Magazine, Member of the Russian Sommelier Association
Yelena Saratseva, Deputy Director, Russian Quality System Autonomous Non-profit Organization
Alexander Stavtsev, Vice President, Russian Association of Retail Market Experts; Author of the Wine Retail Forum Concept, Russian Retail Week; Head, Wine Retail Information Center
Alexander Sysoev, Owner of a Network of Telegram Channels, Project, Russian Restaurant Festival Platform, Venture Investor and Co-owner of 15 Restaurants in Russia
Olga Khomova, General Director, State Academic Capella in St. Petersburg
