Территория инноваций

Modern Technology and Content: How Innovation Contributes to the Creation of a New Form of Knowledge

16 Jun , 13:30–14:30
Pavilion G, Innovation Space

Today's digital-native generation is used to perceiving the world through technology and rapidly shifting attention. Technology in the process of perception becomes an integral part of the information itself. It significantly increases the amount of knowledge received; focuses on the essentials; involves the child in the cognitive process through interactive mechanics or calls for creativity. The latter is particularly relevant; with an information overload, it is difficult to retain a child's attention for long periods of time, which requires new approaches to his or her cognitive interaction with the world.
Cognitive boundaries are being pushed today mainly through the introduction of VR and AR technologies, with a parallel simplification of the devices needed to experience them (smaller in size, more nativity, wireless devices). The transition to the now discussed meta-universes will lock all these technologies into one surrounding space, which will become a new reality.

Which innovations today help children absorb information and which tend to distract them? How important is still gamification, and is the child able to properly participate in the process of learning if he or she feels being part of the game? How to properly vary offline and online formats?

Ilya Krivitsky, General Director, Krasny Kvadrat (Red Square) Media Group

Maxim Lunev, Head of the Corporate Communications department at Russian Railways (RZD)
Elena Pronicheva, Director, The Polytechnic Museum
