Urban Hub

Convergence: Principles of Integrated Design on the Scale of Agglomerations

15 Jun , 15:00–16:00
Panel discussion
Passage, Roscongress Urban Hub

The integrated approach to design currently extends to both cities and larger areas. Today, the focus is on agglomerations. The Far Eastern Federal District is actively working on plans to develop agglomerations in four regions, while development institutions are creating master plans for other federal districts.

- The process of creating an agglomeration planning document: the experience of completing master plans
- Historical centres and hospitality as an impetus for the development of agglomerations
- Tools for working with stakeholders and territories
- Challenges municipalities face when building utilities on the scale of an agglomeration

Yulia Zubarik, Bureau founder «MASTER’S PLAN»

Vyacheslav Alenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sakhalin Region
Александр Бардалеев, Заместитель председателя Правительства Забайкальского края
Mikhail Kuznetsov, Director, Federal Autonomous Scientific Institution “Eastern State Planning Center”
Илья Петрасов, Директор департамента развития территорий и проекта "Дальневосточная ипотека"
