Each business faces particularly crucial stages in its life from the time it is created and over the course of its development. The FEC is constantly improving its services in order to create a conducive business climate so that companies are prepared for the difficulties that they may encounter in the course of their activities.
The FEC facilitates the growth of local entrepreneurship and the development of business spirit by creating an attractive and dynamic image of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its business.
Nowadays, businesses must be innovative with their products and services. The modern competitive environment has forced company managers to constantly improve their standards in order to maintain their market share.
In order to provide businesses with support as they search for innovations, the FEC utilizes all aspects of its best practices and provides business with the core solutions they need.
The FEC pushes companies towards success step by step. The Federation is a regular partner for them so that they can build companies’ projects together.
The Chamber of Commerce of Mali (CCIM) was established in 1906 in French Sudan (now Mali). This organization’s objectives, structure, and resource base have undergone a number of changes since this time. The CCIM was registered in its current form in 1998 as a government institution.
The CCIM is a specialized financially autonomous state institution that is incorporated as a legal entity. The CCIM aims to coordinate the activities and represent the interests of individuals and legal entities involved in various types of commercial or industrial activities as well as the provision of services.
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) was established in 1965 after amalgamation of the three Chambers of Commerce existing at the time: the Asian, African and European Chambers mandated to protect and develop the interests of the business community.
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry is registered as a not-for-profit private company limited by guarantee under the Kenyan Companies Act Chapter 486.
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) is an association based trade support institution (TSI) working to protect the commercial and industrial interests of the Kenyan business community. KNCCI advocates creation of a favourable commercial, trade and investment environment supporting enterprise expansion. The membership of KNCCI consists of small and micro (MSEs), medium and big enterprises.
The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in August 1986 as a Company Limited by Guarantee with the principal objective of promoting economic and industrial development within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in particular and in Nigeria as a whole.
The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, member-funded organisation solely representing the common interests of the business community in the FCT. The Chamber is privately funded by Corporations, Foundations and Members, so its energies are directed by the interests of the business community and the general public.
The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry now has established association and linkages with business groups, trade associations, international chambers, government agencies, trade offices and foreign embassies, etc. in order to achieve its goal of enhancing sustainable growth and development of businesses in the FCT.
The mission of the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to represent and serve its members, as well as support the development of our national economy. Membership of the Chamber is open to registered companies that meet the Chamber’s stringent conditions for good corporate citizenship.
The Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) was established in 1988. It was initiated with the support of the Tanzanian Government to strengthen the private sector.
Establishment of the TCCIA was an important step in moving on from a centralised, planned economy towards a more open, mixed economy providing full scope for privately owned enterprises and farms.
The TCCIA has opened regional offices in all 26 regions of mainland Tanzania and over 90 district centres, which are autonomous in their operational activities. Assistance by Swedish government development agency SIDA has played a vital role in establishing regional and district Chambers, especially in providing training, office equipment and mobilising/sensitising the business community.
These autonomous TCCIA Chambers in 21 regions of the country link the private sector to the Government with a view to promoting development of private enterprise. By linking issues central to business, the Chamber serves an arena where dialogue with the government promotes sustained growth and development of the private sector.
The Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique (CTA) was established on 5 April 1996 as a result of the transformation of the Working Commission of Associations (CTA), which was created to address challenges related to the introduction of a market economy system. The Confederation is a non-partisan non-governmental economic organization whose mission is to facilitate the economic and social development of Mozambique through growth in the private sector by promoting and protecting business opportunities and private initiatives, a culture of entrepreneurship, and business associations.
The Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique is an official partner in the government-based dialogue, acts on behalf of the private sector, and is working to improve the business climate in the country by promoting economic and regulatory reforms.
The organization currently has 140 members, including industry federations, chambers of commerce, and business associations. It is represented throughout the country and in all sectors of the economy.
The Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAS RAS) is the only Russian scientific centre that comprehensively studies the problems of Africa and provides a research-based substantiation of Russia’s strategy towards Africa. Established in October 1959, to this day it remains a unique centre for Russia’s study of Africa, conducts fundamental and applied research, and coordinates the efforts of individual researchers and specific groups of Africanists in the Russian Federation. The Institute also integrates and consolidates the work of Africanists in Russia and a number of post-Soviet countries. The Institute is the core organization for the activities of the RAS Scientific Council on the Problems of Africa (SCA) within the RAS Department of Global Problems and International Relations.
The innovative and advanced research clusters of the Institute of African Studies have propelled it to the ranks of the world’s leading research schools, and its influence and significance are recognized by foreign research partners who have steadily shown increased interest in the research, development, and new areas of research of the IAS RAS, including the work of Russia’s leading African researchers such as Irina Abramova, Alexey Vasilyev, Leonid Fituni, and Dmitry Bondarenko, among others.
The Institute has 10 research centres as well as the Centre for Scientific Information and International Relations, the Graduate School Department, and the Publishing Department.
The Institute publishes two scientific journals: Asia and Africa Today and Scientific Notes of the RAS Institute for African Studies, which are highly popular among the scientific community of Russia and other countries.
The Institute actively collaborates with and provides advisory and analytical assistance to Russia’s government and agencies as well as to other organizations that are interested in developing business ties with African countries. The IAS RAS made a huge contribution to preparations for and the successfully hosting of the Russia—Africa Summit in Sochi in 2019.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina (CCI-BF) is a Public Institution with a professional character, legal personality, financial autonomy and management in continuous operation since 2007. It is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
The CCI-BF is a constituted body, empowered to represent, the general interests of commerce, industry and services before the public authorities.
Convinced of the importance of the private sector and the role it will have to play in reviving the economy and strengthening the prosperity of our country, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso, as spokesperson of the Institutional Private Sector, has a Strategic Mandate Plan (PSM) for the period 2016–2021.
The CCI-BF has great ambitions for the private sector and for the country as a whole. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry will, therefore, have to exercise greater leadership in all spheres of national economic life; it will also have to be more efficient and be seen as a source of proposals for the public authorities and a real engine behind the private sector of Burkina Faso.
The Eswatini Investment Promotion Authority (EIPA) was created through an Act of Parliament, the Eswatini Investment Promotion Act of 1998, and was formally launched in April that year. The EIPA is a ‘Category A’ Public Enterprise and is wholly funded by the Government of Eswatini. The EIPA’s mission is to promote and facilitate local and foreign direct investment and trade in Eswatini.
The Niger Investment and Strategic Projects Promotion Agency is a government agency under the office of the President and is responsible for promoting and facilitating local and foreign direct investment in Niger.
Launched in 2018, the Niger Investment and Strategic Projects Promotion Agency is a gateway for investors aiming at developing new or existing operations.
The mission of the Niger Investment and Strategic Projects Promotion Agency is to promote Niger as a competitive destination for foreign direct investment, especially in industries where the country offers a competitive advantage and highly profitable prospects for private investors.
The agency provides end-to-end support to all investors, with a particular focus on projects suited to Niger’s future and strategic development plan.
The Agency for the Promotion of Investment (API) is a financially independent state administrative body that is subordinate to the Ministry for the Promotion of the Private Sector.
Since its official creation in July 2014, the Agency for the Promotion of Investment (API Congo—Brazzaville) has been operating within a system of other structures that work to facilitate the creation and development of a sustainable national economy outside the oil sector. The API’s activities are based on the guiding strategic provisions of the president’s national development programme, which focuses on the urgent need to continue and intensify economic diversification.
The API’s mission is to develop its own operational potential and engage in research and information activities in an effort to create and provide prospects for a better future for new generations.
Founded in 1997 with the aim of becoming the country’s chief export promotion agency, Expolink has worked closely with the donor community in Egypt to manage and implement export development and promotional activities.
Expolink offers a full range of export development and export promotion activities, assisting the export community in maximizing its global outreach and international compliance.
Expolink works in close cooperation with partner organizations and institutions to embrace and collectively achieve nationally recognized goals for sustainable economic growth.
The Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia was established on 15 April 2006 in Russia with the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Its mission is to expand and bolster ties and cooperation between Chinese enterprises, inform its participants about current policies in various businesses, provide consulting and legal services, intensify Chinese enterprises’ dialogue with the Russian authorities and business community, respond to the wishes and demands of Union members, protect their legal rights, and promote the development of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation.
At present, the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia has more than 4000 regular members. Through its broad relations, extensive contacts, information support, and ability to provide emergency assistance, the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs provides its compatriots with the information they need, expands dialogue among companies, creates a strategy to broaden the presence of Chinese companies abroad, helps to better adapt its members to the socioeconomic life in Russia, and strives to strengthen its position and continuously develop.
On September 12th, 2018, President Xi Jinping announced the formal establishment of the China-Russia Regional Cooperation and Development Investment Fund with a total scale of RMB 100 billion(hereinafter referred to as the Fund) at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eastern Economic Forum held by Russia, and expressed his willingness to work with Russia to support the operation of the Fund, promote the landing of major projects and make it an important platform for China-Russia regional cooperation.
The establishment and development of the Fund has been directly cared by President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin, and has received strong guidance and support from the government departments of China and Russia. The Fund will link up the «The Belt and Road» initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union strategy, strengthen international capacity cooperation, and make greater contributions to promoting the industrial construction and economic and trade cooperation among China, Russia and the countries along «The Belt and Road».
The Fund will focus on supporting the cooperation directions and projects determined by the China-Russia Joint Statement, Joint Communiqué and the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Committee, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee of Northeast China and Russian Far East, and the Yangtze River-Russian Volga River Local Cooperation Council, including bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects between China and Russia, and the projects of China and Russia in third countries or regions. Investment fields include energy resources, infrastructure, high-end equipment manufacturing, high-tech, people’s livelihood consumption, cultural tourism, modern service industry and so on.
Founded in 1805, the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa one of the oldest in Italy. It is a public institution whose task is to balance the needs of various sectors of the economy represented by relevant industry associations, as well as to support and promote the local economy.
The Chamber provides a well-developed socio-economic structure in the Liguria region and is one of the fundamental pillars of the regional Chamber of Commerce network.
The mission of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa is to represent, support and promote more than 70,000 businesses that produce, transport and trade goods and services in the province of Genoa, Italy.
In terms of its activities, great attention is paid to the field of digitalization and cooperation with SMEs in the context of the digital revolution. The Italian Chamber of Commerce system is one of the partners of the national programme to support digitalization within the Industry 4.0 framework, launched by the Italian government in 2016.
The Russia—ASEAN Business Council, established by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1998, brings together major Russian companies and banks, provides practical assistance to domestic entrepreneurs and business circles of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in the development of multi-vector trade and economic and investment cooperation.
The Russia—ASEAN Business Council is one of the working mechanisms of the Russia—ASEAN Dialogue Partnership.
The Russia—ASEAN Business Council includes more than 50 major Russian companies and banks, in industries such as energy, infrastructure, engineering, finance and investment, information technology and telecommunications.
The main objectives of the Russia—ASEAN Business Council are to facilitate direct contact between the business community of Russia and ASEAN, to support the interests of Russian business in ASEAN countries, promoting ASEAN business in Russia, and supporting joint Russian—ASEAN economic projects.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/russia_asean_info/
Launched in March 2016 with its headquarters in Beijing, China, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) is a non profit international organization dedicated to promoting the sustainable development of energy worldwide. The purpose of GEIDCO is to promote the establishment of a Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) system, to meet global power demand with clean and green alternatives, to implement the United Nations «Sustainable Energy for All» and climate change initiatives, and to serve the sustainable development of humanity.
To pool together wisdom and talents of different fields, GEIDCO has launched the GEI University Alliance and GEI Think Tank Alliance in 2018, and is expected to set up the electricity alliance and finance alliance soon.
Currently, GEIDCO has 602 members, from 85 countries and regions, made up of international organizations, corporations, research institutions, universities, and associations from energy, electric power, information, environmental protection, scientific research, consulting and finance sectors.
The Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce — a unique network of opportunities
The Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce (FRCC) is the leading organization specializing in bilateral trade between Finland and Russia.
FRCC connects Finnish know-how with opportunities in the Russian market. Our team consists of over 20 experts in Russian trade.
We provide services for 700 Finnish and Russian member companies, as well as for all companies interested in developing international business.
We create opportunities for business development between Finland and Russia, providing the best solutions for leveraging Finnish-Russian trade.
Our main task is to support the success of our clients. We are in a unique position to provide relevant and reliable information about Finnish-Russian trade and business.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Côte d’Ivoire is an agency that represents interests of commercial, industrial, and service enterprises, provides entrepreneurs with training, and supports companies. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established on 23 December 1908 when the first Chamber of Commerce of Côte d’Ivoire was founded in Grand-Bassam by the decree of the Governor-General. On 17 May 1963, the Chambers of Industry and the Chamber of Agriculture were established as separate agencies by a decree. However, due to many overlaps between commerce and industry, on 8 January 1992 the government of the country decided to consolidate these activities in a single chamber under the supervision of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Since 23 August, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Côte d’Ivoire has been chaired by Faman Toure.
The National Agency of Investment and Privatization is a state organization established for attracting direct foreign investments in the Republic of Belarus. The aim of the Agency is to enhance the investment image of Belarus abroad, to assist foreign business in implementing investment projects in the country, and to attract potential investors to the enterprises of our pilot privatization project which is being realized with the World Bank.
The National Agency of Investment and Privatization has only recently become actively involved in the global investment process and the struggle for capital, but has nevertheless succeeded in establishing itself as a reliable partner for international and local companies, building strategic trust relations between the state and enterprises.
The Agency takes part in cultivating a positive image of the country, presenting its investment opportunities to significant global platforms and organizing the Belarusian Investment Forum. Maintaining balance between the interests of the country and investors, it introduces the best international practices of state property privatization with the support of the World Bank. The organization of privatization tenders help to find investors all over the world who would like to implement their projects in new markets.
The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations, the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, is a corporate non-profit organization in the organizational and legal union format created on the basis of the common interests of assembly members to achieve statutory purposes.
The General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is intended to be a platform for uniting the efforts of non-governmental organizations and business communities in the development of integration processes, the adoption of ideas for peacekeeping, and strengthening friendly business relations; to further develop the core activities of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations as an important tool for public diplomacy and to enhance its role in the formation of a multipolar world.
More than 20 specialized international councils on the main areas of activity are being developed on the platform of the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, the focus of which is on scientific, economic and cultural cooperation. The activities of all field-specific councils are carried out by representatives of different countries of Eurasia.
The General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is open to the broadest possible dialogue and interaction with all who share the ideas of the need for harmonious cooperation, coordination and complementary efforts of state and non-state acts in the preservation of peace, stability and security, strengthening friendship between the peoples of Eurasia.
KAZAKH INVEST was established in order to promote sustainable socioeconomic development in the Republic of Kazakhstan by attracting foreign investment to priority sectors of the economy and providing comprehensive support for investment projects.
With a wide network of representatives in all regions of Kazakhstan, as well as abroad, Kazakh Invest provides a full range of services to support investment projects from the initial idea to implementation, and also during the post-investment period.
The company fulfils two key roles:
The sole authority acting on behalf of the Government of Kazakhstan for holding discussions regarding foreign direct investment.
A one-stop shop for investors interested in public services, including government support in the form of investment incentives and preferences, and issuance of various permits and approvals needed to implement and operate investment projects.
The Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) is a joint public-private initiative, established by the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan in 2003 with the aim to contribute to economic development through attracting foreign investment and stimulating exports in the non-oil sector.
As a unique single-window system organization, we assist foreign-based companies interested in investigating and utilizing investment opportunities in Azerbaijan. In addition, we are a devoted partner of companies established in Azerbaijan looking to enter into foreign markets. Our knowledge of foreign markets and applicable trade regulations along with a wide network of foreign representations and partners offer companies excellent opportunities to expand their export capacities.
AZPROMO has huge international networking capabilities. We are a member of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and currently, our president holds WAIPA’s vice-presidency position. Our international offices in Georgia, Austria, Italy and China coordinated by the centre in Baku deliver services in a short period of time. Our close relations with many international investment promotion agencies, chambers of commerce and other business promotion institutions have been maintained. We have signed memorandums on cooperation and partnership with over 80 such organizations from 37 countries the world over.
The Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), the World’s Leading Investment Platform in the Middle East and North Africa, will hold its 10th edition on 24–26 March 2020 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates.
AIM is an initiative of the UAE Ministry of Economy and is held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai.
Under the theme ‘Investing for the Future: Shaping Global Investment Strategies’, AIM will bring together high-ranking government officials, decision makers, corporate leaders, policy makers, business representatives, regional and international investors, entrepreneurs, leading academics, and investment experts to address global challenges related to securing viable investment for economic growth.
Originally established to help emerging economies attract foreign direct investment, AIM has evolved significantly. On its 10th edition, AIM will embrace the bigger challenge of facilitating economic growth through its six pillars — FDIs, Startups, Future Cities, SMEs, Foreign Portfolio Investment, and One Belt, One Road. This will be a prelude to AIM-Expo which is anticipated to attract thousands more investors.
AIM 2019 was attended by more than 16,000 visitors, and featured the participation of 436 exhibitors and co-exhibitors, 66 high-level dignitaries, more than 150 experts and FDI specialists, and 143 country delegates.
The University of the Arctic (UArctic), officially launched in 2001, is a cooperative network of universities, colleges, research institutes and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North. UArctic mission is to empower the people of the Circumpolar North by providing unique educational and research opportunities through collaboration within a powerful network of members. UArctic builds and strengthens collective resources and collaborative infrastructure that enables member institutions to better serve their constituents and their regions. Through cooperation in education, research and outreach we enhance human capacity in the North, promote viable communities and sustainable economies, and forge global partnerships. UArctic promotes northern voices in the globalizing world, reflecting common values and interests across all eight Arctic states and among all northern peoples and cultures.
Currently UArctic consists of more than 200 member institutions from 8 Arctic and 11 non-Arctic countries. UArctic works with the Arctic Council, IASC, IASSA and other partners to build strong northern-relevant and collaborative research capacity in the North. The Arctic Council, the Standing Committee of Arctic Parliamentarians and other Arctic leadership institutions recognize UArctic and its members as the educational, training and research engine of the North.
Official website: https://www.uarctic.org/
The Russia-Singapore Business Forum was founded in 2009 on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with support from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the state-owned Rostec Corporation. Today, the Forum consists of 65 Russian businesses and associations employing more than half a million workers and is partnered with around 40 foreign enterprises and organisations. Two additional bodies have been founded in conjunction with the Forum; the RBSC Trade House in Russia and Progression Engineering (S) Pte Ltd in Singapore, which, among others, work as agents for the Moscow and Russia Export Centres in South-Eastern Asian countries.
Created through an act of law in 1963, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba is an autonomous institution that unites Cuban enterprises from all sectors with the purpose of supporting their work and promoting, both nationally and internationally, their export goods and services and business and investment opportunities for the benefit of the national economy.
The government of the Republic of Cuba delegated some of its functions, such as the issue of certificates of origin and force majeure and the administration of registries of associated enterprises, importers, exporters, branch offices, and agents of foreign mercantile companies, to the chamber.
The chamber is responsible for organizing business missions and meetings, bilateral committees, and cooperation agreements and conducting trade fairs, exhibitions, and trade missions in Cuba and in foreign markets.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Ecuador (CIP) was founded in 1936, in the aftermath of a major economic crisis caused by sharp drop in cacao exports and the Ecuadorian Civil War. A presidential decree was issued obliging companies to form guilds in order to foster production. This move, which helped solve the economic crisis, gave rise to what is now the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Much of the success of this new organization was the work of 17 visionaries representing a wide range of industries, from textiles to leather, from food to mining. They helped to ensure that the organization fulfilled its goals of securing industrial development and improving the business climate, and with it, the lives of Ecuadorians as a whole.
In 2009, the chamber underwent a dramatic transformation. In order to respond to the multiple changes taking place in the economy and bring together the most important sectors in private enterprise, the organization completely reformed. What was a regional union entity had become a national institution, and one which was renamed accordingly to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Over the course of its history, the organization has traversed a remarkable path, adapting effectively to the numerous changes and transformations experienced in the country. It has consistently demonstrated its faith in Ecuador and its people, stayed true to its ideals, supported industry, helped boost employment, and promoted change for the benefit of the country’s development.
Today, the chamber represents more than 30% of national GDP. Its members employ more than 150,000 people and contribute 30% of total tax revenue.
The chamber is committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and meeting the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) is one of the world’s top four dispute resolution service providers. Specialising in arbitration, mediation, adjudication and domain name dispute resolution, HKIAC maintains one of the largest caseloads in the Asia-Pacific region, having handled over 9,500 cases since its establishment in 1985. The HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules (Rules) are a market-leading set of rules which can be used strategically to control costs and increase efficiency for complex disputes. The Rules are currently being amended to introduce innovative procedures which seek to set a new standard for global arbitration practice. HKIAC cases are handled by a multilingual and multicultural Secretariat that provides high-quality case administration and tribunal secretary services. HKIAC also houses state-of-the-art hearing facilities, and regularly welcomes parties from across the globe to its top-rated premises. HKIAC awards enjoy an excellent track record of enforcement worldwide, particularly in Mainland China.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The organization was established in 1966 and currently has 168 Member States.
The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States.
The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development —economic, social and environmental — is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG 9, which calls to «Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation».
Accordingly, UNIDO’s programmatic activities are structured in four strategic priorities:
Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (I) technical cooperation; (II) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (III) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (IV) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation.
The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry or KADIN (Kamar Dagang dan Industri) is an organization uniting Indonesian business chambers and associations. KADIN’s activities include work on all matters relating to trade, industry, and services. Its aim is also to realize potential and strengthen internal relations within the country’s economy, by organizing a strategic platform for Indonesian entrepreneurs. KADIN is financed from private sources, which makes it an independent representative of private sector interests.
The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the leading and largest non-governmental organization in the country, and represents the interests of the Indonesian business community in the fields of industry and commerce. The Chamber brings together 310 provincial, regional, and municipal Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. It is also the only nationwide business organization authorized by Law № 1/1987 to act on behalf of private companies, maintaining a special relationship with government officials in all relevant sectors.
Thirty-four regional chambers (KADIN Daerah) and 514 district offices ensure provision of services nationwide. Thanks to such an extensive network, KADIN Indonesia is the preferred partner for foreign companies considering cooperation with Indonesia and which may become members of KADIN Indonesia.
The ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) was established by the ASEAN Heads of State and Government (HOSGs) at the 7th ASEAN Summit in November 2001, held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. Launched in April 2003, ASEAN-BAC was set up with the mandate to provide private sector feedback and guidance to boost ASEAN’s efforts towards economic integration. In addition to providing private sector feedback on the implementation of ASEAN economic cooperation, the Council also identifies priority areas for consideration by the ASEAN Leaders. Accordingly, ASEAN-BAC’s activities are primarily focused on reviewing and identifying issues with the goal of facilitating and promoting economic cooperation and integration. One of the flagship ASEAN-BAC events is the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS), which is held annually in conjunction with the ASEAN Summit.
KAZENERGY Association was established on 2 November 2005 to support the development of entrepreneurship in the oil and gas sector. For more than a decade, the Association has united over 80 major players involved in the oil, gas, and energy complex, including mining and transport, service and geophysical, uranium, and other transnational companies. Working closely with state bodies, business representatives, and public structures, it promotes sustainable development of the oil, gas, and energy complexes of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) was established in 2005 by sub-decree of the Royal Government of Cambodia in accordance with the Law on Chambers of Commerce, which was adopted in 1995 The CCC is the national chamber representing all Cambodia’s provincial chambers along with the Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce.
The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) is the oldest and largest business organization in Korea. Established as a public legal entity by a special act, the KCCI is composed of 73 regional chambers of commerce and more than 100 major commercial and industrial institutions and organizations. Furthermore, the KCCI represents approximately 180,000 member companies of all sizes, sectors and nationalities.
The Swiss—Russian Forum, a non-profit organization, acts a chamber of commerce and industry which aims to promote a sustainable and ethical economy in Switzerland and Russia. The Forum, which has an international focus, was established under Swiss law in 2006 and is supervised by the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs. As a beneficial and non-commercial organization, the Forum has tax-exempt status.
Our mission is to promote the exchange of information and knowledge between Switzerland and the Russian Federation. We focus particularly on interdisciplinary, intercultural communication and creating high-level networks of representatives from the worlds of politics, the economy, science and technology, law, the financial sector, and culture. The Swiss—Russian Forum contributes to improving relations between Switzerland and the Russian Federation, on both a human and a business level. We are also striving to establish bilateral projects in several thematic areas for the benefit of people and the economies in both countries and, ultimately, for the common good.
The Swiss—Russian Forum has been the officially recognized Swiss—Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry since May 2016.
The organization seeks to attract funding from private enterprises and institutions in order to avoid asking for public funds. As partners and members of the Forum, institutional donors enjoy the following benefits as a result of their financial support:
Members are part of an active network and have free access to target-oriented, interdisciplinary information and the transfer of know-how
Members benefit from special services
Members receive support for their business activities and are part of an organization which enjoys a sterling reputation
The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) is a non-profit organization established by the Korean government on 21 June 1962 to promote trade between Korea and other nations.
For more than 50 years, KOTRA has been assisting interested companies from all over the world to develop business ties with the Republic of Korea. It now has 126 representative offices in 86 countries. In Russia, KOTRA enjoys diplomatic status as the Trade Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Russian Federation.
KOTRA is active in the area of international trade as well as investment.
The key mission of KOTRA representative offices in Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostok and Novosibirsk is to create an environment for establishing direct business links between Korean and Russian companies.
KOTRA has received an award from the WTO International Trade Centre in the Best Trade and Investment Promotion Agency category.
The Japan Association for Trade with Russia and the Newly Independent States (ROTOBO) was founded in 1967 and marks its 50th anniversary this year.
ROTOBO operates under the aegis of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. ROTOBO currently has 140 members, including well-known Japanese industrial and trading companies, banks, research institutions, media outlets, regional administrations, and other organizations. ROTOBO has a representative office in Moscow.
The goal of ROTOBO is to promote the development of trade and economic ties between Japan, Russia, and other CIS countries.
The core activities of ROTOBO are the provision of economic information, in particular the publication of the monthly magazine Chosa-Geppo and an electronic journal (bulletin) 3 times a month as well as the organization of business meetings, and the organization and reception of mutual delegations.The Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) was founded in 1884 and is Iran’s largest independent networking and business support organization, with more than 250,000 members to date. Representing the interests of thousands of companies, we connect thousands of business people every year and offer our members a wide range of practical and professional services. The main objectives and functions of the ICCIMA, as set out in the relevant by-law, are: to establish coordination and cooperation with government bodies, state-affiliated and/or controlled organizations, and municipalities in preparing bills and other regulations relating to commercial, industrial, and mining issues by providing consultative views; to carry out the necessary studies on the expansion and progress of commercial, industrial, and mining issues; to attempt to settle disputes among business executives, mine and industry owners, and (possibly) consumers; to agree on arbitration and expert review; to develop economic and social indices; to enhance domestic business competitiveness at the national, regional, and international level; and to promote the economic and social status of Iranian businesses and the private sector, particularly entrepreneurs and ICCIMA members.
The General Entrepreneurial Confederation of the Argentine Republic unites industrial chambers across more than 70 sectors. It is represented through federations, associations and municipal chambers nationwide, as well as in regional chambers in the territory of the city of Buenos Aires. The Confederation unites small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs in an organization familiar with the specific nature of their work, which understands and defends their interests, allowing them to work together to create an efficient SME model.
Moreover, the Confederation, with the financial support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina, has 40 training and professional education centers that are able to meet staffing requirements where they are most needed.
Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK)HGK)) is a professional and business organization for all legal entities engaged in business within the Republic of Croatia, the oldest of its kind in the country. The Imperial Patent of 18 March 1850 established the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and it launched on 16 February 1852 in Zagreb. According to the Decree of the Republic of Croatia, since 1991 the organization has been renamed as Croatian Chamber of Commerce organised along European tradition lines as an institution, which represents Croatian economic interests with compulsory membership and with the scope of work provided by law (social and legal chamber model).
In this manner the Croatian Chamber of Commerce has been entrusted: to act on behalf of its members as well as to facilitate the connection between the state authorities and the business community; to participate in shaping the economic system and policies; to expand the network of economic representations abroad; to provide goods, services and raw materials; to provide business training and implementation of the entrusted public powers, etc. The Croatian Chamber of Economy consists nineteen county chambers and the Zagreb Chamber. The organization includes 33 affiliations. The CCE is financed through contributions and other non-commercial income. The CCE is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and a member of Eurochambers in Brussels.
The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) was established in 1946 with an objective of advancing the South Korean economy through the development of international trade. Today, KITA is Korea’s largest business association with 70 000 member companies.
Representing the interests of Korea’s global traders, KITA serves a diverse range of roles including: providing hands-on support to trade companies, drawing trade cooperation from the private sector, formulating new trade strategies, nurturing trade professionals and building trade infrastructure. With a widely established network of 13 domestic offices and 15 overseas branches in major cities, KITA has consolidated its position as a leading business organization dedicated to assisting SMEs in gaining foreign market entry.
MEDEF International is a non-profit private-funded organization created in 1989 by MEDEF, the French Business Confederation (750,000 companies). MEDEF International is the most representative organization of the French private sector at the international level. It is chaired by Mr Frederic SANCHEZ, CEO of FIVES GROUP.
MEDEF International aims at promoting the French companies’ know-hows abroad through collective actions. Through its actions, MEDEF International supports trade, technological cooperation and investments, long-term partnerships, especially on emerging and developing markets as well as reconstruction markets.
The Israeli-Russian Business Council is a non-political, non-commercial organization founded to establish direct business contacts and favourable conditions for cooperation between organizations and companies in Israel and the Russian Federation.
This goal is achieved by raising awareness among companies and organizations of potential areas of collaboration, involving Israeli and Russian companies in joint projects in both countries, and in third countries, in the fields of healthcare, investment, education, agriculture, insurance, telecommunications, transport, finance, ecology, and energy.
The FPCCI is playing an active role in presenting the problems associated with trade, industry, and the environment, and safeguarding the interests of the private sector through constant dialogue with the Government.
The Chamber of Commerce Colombia — Russia is a non-governmental and non-profit organization which was established on the initiative of Colombian businessmen in 2007 in order to promote and strengthen trade, economic and cultural relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Colombia and assistance to entrepreneurs of both countries to find new opportunities for the development of business in Russia and Colombia.
Today the members of the Chamber of Commerce Colombia—Russia include companies in the tourist business, foodstuffs, construction, chemical and aviation industries, and the economy. The Chamber has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Tatarstan in November 2014 and with Tatarstan Export Corporation. In June 2016, the Chamber signed an Agreement of cooperation with CN CEPLA and the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2016. In September 2016, the Chamber of Commerce Colombia—Russia signed an Agreement with University of Santo Tomas in Bogotá, D.C.
The Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established by Norwegian and Russian businesses. At present, the NRCC has about 130 members, 20% of which are Russian companies.
The NRCC is the leading Norwegian-Russian business network. In addition to various universities and SMEs, its members include major Norwegian and Russian companies such as Equinor, Jotun, DNV GL, Lukoil Overseas North Shelf, Rosneft Nordic Oil, as well as central business organizations such as the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), GIEK, and Innovation Norway. Russian companies are also members of the NRCC Board of Directors.
The aim of the NRCC is to foster and improve business relations between Norwegian and Russian companies with regard to import/export, shipping, business development, tourism, and investment. In addition, the Chamber aims to enhance understanding of each other’s business culture, market, and other socio-economic developments of importance.
Since the establishment of the association, the NRCC has developed close cooperation with federal and regional chambers of commerce and industry across Russia. These amount to around 180 regional offices and more than 50,000 members. Consequently, the scope of the NRCC’s outreach to Russian companies is unparalleled. During SPIEF 2018, the NRCC signed a cooperation agreement with Roscongress.
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) is a national level non-governmental organization representing and safeguarding the interests of the private business sector. It was founded in 1919 as the Burmese Chamber of Commerce and upgraded to a federation status in 1999 to be in line with of the market-oriented economic policy adopted by the Government. It is formed by 16 Regional and State Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 9 Border Area Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 51 Affiliated National Level Federations and Associations and about 39,000 members.
Being at the apex of the Chambers and Associations in the country, the UMFCCI is standing tall as a national level non-governmental organization (NGO) representing and safeguarding the interests of the private sector by providing various services: HR Development Training, Training in commercial education, management and accounting, trade information, business facilitating services, business matching and consultancy services, as well as organizing delegations for participating in trade fairs, exhibitions, workshops and study tours and other services needed by the private business sector.
UMFCCI also acts as a bridge and a connection between the government and the private sector. This important role is made possible by through a vast network of chambers and associations affiliated with UMFCCI. Moreover, with the increasing membership strength, UMFCCI has increased its role as a champion for business community.
http://www.umfcci.com.mm/COMCE is an organization created by the Mexican private sector to support the government of Mexico and private companies in their efforts to attract foreign trade, investment, and technological development.
COMCE emerged in the 1950s as the Mexican Business Council for International Affairs (CEMAI); in 1999 it merged with the National Council of Foreign Trade (CONACEX) to create COMCE.
The 60 bilateral committees made up of business leaders set the direction for COMCE’s activities. COMCE promotes its associates on the international stage through relationships with counterparts in more than 60 countries. Many associates offer goods and services on preferential terms to the rest of the COMCE Community.
COMCE organizes business events which aim to enable associates to find more and better business opportunities. For example, the Congress organized by COMCE is known to be the most important foreign trade event in the country. It is the framework for the National Export Award.
COMCE offers its associates many services online, such as: an electronic library featuring a wide range of documents, export promotion, promotion of services for exporters, information about fairs, exhibitions, and more.
COMCE offers specialized consultancy services for logistics, supply chain, and foreign trade administrative audits, and the necessary support to make foreign trade easier for its associates.
The Association of European Businesses (AEB) is the main organization representing foreign investors in Russia. Founded in 1995, the AEB is an active community of more than 500 members from member states of the EU, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and other countries, which do business with and in the Russian Federation. Members of the AEB include small and medium-sized enterprises as well as multinational corporations. They all share a commitment to boosting cooperation with Russia, alongside the desire to improve the investment climate of the Russian Federation.
The AEB includes over 60 committees, subcommittees and working groups that are engaged in lobbying on a wide range of issues in various areas of business, including energy, transport and customs, agriculture, air travel, car and vehicle manufacturing, legislation, taxation, banking, real estate, crop protection products, and many others. These committees work closely with the European and Russian authorities, and provide comments to both current laws and draft bills.
The AEB provides information support for its members via its website, social networks, printed publications, and open events, and distributes reports and releases on current events in the legal and business fields.
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (formerly the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency) helps investors to enter the Polish market and find the best ways to utilize the possibilities available to them. We guide investors through all the essential administrative and legal procedures involved in a project, and we also support firms that are already active in Poland. We provide rapid access to complex information relating to legal and business aspects of investment and help companies to find appropriate partners and suppliers, as well as new locations.
The Agency’s mission is also to create a positive image of Poland across the world, promoting Polish goods and services.
In order to provide the best possible service to investors we have established a network of Regional Investor Service Centres across Poland. The goal of these centres is to improve the quality of a region’s investor services and to facilitate access to the latest information, including the latest investment offers and regional micro-economic data. These specialist centres hire professionals that have been trained by the Agency and are financed by local authorities. Another of their tasks is to act as links between investors and local authorities.
The ASEAN Business Club (ABC) was established in 2011 as a private sector initiative to bring together ASEAN’s leading corporations in support of further economic integration. The Club serves as a platform for the region’s leading businesses to work together towards the fulfilment of an ASEAN Economic Community.
Its vision for ASEAN is that of an open, integrated, coherent economic region founded on the ideas of prosperity and equality. The members’ efforts are rooted in the belief that the private sector can help governments resolve the most pressing economic issues.
ABC is a fully private sector initiative. It is driven by ASEAN’s leading businesses, that came together in support of regional economic integration, while providing a platform for networking. The members of ABC represent every key sector of the economy, who voluntarily join their forces to stand up in support of the region.
ABC aims to encourage governments’ efforts in bringing down barriers between economies. ABC is a growing regional network that serves as a platform for knowledge-sharing and advocacy.
international trade and investment.
SupplyFinder promotes enterprise development by providing updated tender opportunities and other essential business information which helps to promote, grow, and develop companies through access to markets, finance, and joint ventures, and to source investment for manufacturing and service industries with opportunities to develop local content and capacity.
The business needs of the global economy — small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) — are at SupplyFinder’s core. SupplyFinder helps you to build connections with industry professionals and organizations, exchange knowledge, share ideas, and target investment funding, skills and technology worldwide.
SupplyFinder’s geographic reach spans more than 200 countries and 25 sectors with an interface in eight languages. Future plans for development envisage incorporating e-commerce, trade, finance, insurance, logistics and contracts into a horizontally integrated trade hub.
China Overseas Development Association (CODA, also known as China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association) is a national non-profit social organization with corporate capacity duly approved by and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. CODA was established on 10 December 2004. CODA’s Honorary Chairman is Zeng Peiyan, former Vice-Premier of the State Council, and its President is Zhang Guobao, former Vice-Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and former Director (at ministerial level) of the National Energy Administration.
The competent department in charge of CODA’s administration is the NDRC. Under NDRC’s guidance, CODA provides services for Chinese enterprises’ overseas investments and development. CODA has been actively implementing the ‘Going Global’ strategy, serving as a bridge and link between the government and enterprises, to provide comprehensive services for the overseas development of Chinese enterprises.
Founded in 1952, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) is a national foreign trade and investment promotion agency.
The major responsibilities of the CCPIT include: implement relevant major national development strategies, and promote foreign trade, bilateral investment and economic & technological cooperation; carry forward cooperation with overseas trade promotion counterparts; receive overseas high-end trade and economic delegations; organize Chinese trade and economy delegations to visit foreign countries; manage overseas trade exhibitions organized by Chinese agencies, participate in affairs of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) and World Expo on behalf of the Chinese government; hold or organize Chinese companies to attend trade and economic exhibitions, forums, fairs and other international conferences; represent domestic industry and commerce in the field of foreign trade, and involve into the formulation of trade and economic policies and rules, foreign trade negotiation and making of international commercial rules; carry out legal consulting, commercial conciliation , trade and maritime arbitration; sign and issue certificates of origin for export products and other certificates and documents related to foreign trade, provide intellectual property services such as patent application, trade mark registration, litigation and rights safeguarding; organize industries and enterprises to cope with trade disputes; provide trade and economic information, training services etc.
The CCPIT will establish wide connections with relevant international organizations, trade & investment promotion agencies, commercial associations and business circle to organize various forms of communication and cooperation. It is committed to enhancing services for companies and making positive contributions to the development of bilateral and multilateral trade relationships, promotion of world economic prosperity and improvement of the well-being of all mankind.
Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) is a government organization of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam responsible for state regulation of trade and promotion of investment for development of industry and trade.
VIETRADE provides a wide spectrum of services to assist Vietnamese and foreign enterprises in their business development and expansion.
Main Activities
proposing to the government policies and measures for the developing business support activities, national branding programmes, and investment for development of industry and trade;
providing business information to trade support institutions and enterprises;
conducting market research and analysis for the purpose of formulating national trade promotion policies;
assisting Vietnamese and foreign enterprises in identifying business opportunities, customers, suppliers and partners by dispatching trade missions abroad, hosting foreign business missions to Vietnam and organizing business meetings, seminars and conferences for Vietnamese and foreign enterprises;
regulating, in coordination with the relevant authorities, all commercial advertising activities, sales promotion activities and trade fairs in Vietnam;
administering the national branding programme; assisting Vietnamese enterprises in building, promoting and protecting product brands;
administering, in coordination with the relevant authorities, the national trade promotion programme;
assisting and guiding local industry and trade departments, trade support institutions in Vietnam, and overseas trade representative offices in trade and investment promotion for industry development;
training Vietnamese enterprises and trade support institutions in trade and investment promotion for industry development;
producing trade and industry television programmes;
cooperating with international and foreign organizations in trade and investment promotion for industry development.
Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC) was founded in 2015. It is composed of national chambers and commercial associations of the Silk Road countries and is the first non-profit, non-governmental international business confederation named after the Silk Road. Currently SRCIC has 63 state-level members from more than 45 countries and thousands of enterprises, forming up a community of shared interests, shared responsibilities and a shared future.
By integration of its rich worldwide resources, SRCIC has constructed its project and capital pool to serve and connect business communities of different countries as a platform, providing opportunities for information communication, project matching, cultural exchange, and innovative development. SRCIC has become an important strength in the promotion of the Belt and Road construction and in advancing global trade and investment, cultural exchange, and sustainable development.
SRCIC Founding Chairman, Lu Jianzhong, is also the vice Chairman of China Chamber of International Commerce and head of the Tang West Market International Group. The SRCIC Executive Board includes representatives from more than 20 countries involved in the Silk Belt project, including Iran, Pakistan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, Greece and Italy among others. Russia is represented by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs President Alexander Shokhin, Summa Group owner Ziyavudin Magomedov, Russian Association of International Cooperation Chairman Sergey Kalashnikov who are vice Chairmen of SRCIC, and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Alexandra Ochirova who is also the SRCIC Silk Road Ambassador.
The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is a national organization that brings together and represents the business community, employers and business associations of all economic sectors in Vietnam. The purpose of the VCCI is to protect and assist business enterprises, to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country and to promote economic, commercial and technological co-operation between Vietnam and the rest of the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. VCCI is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization enjoying the status of a legal entity and operating with financial autonomy.
The functions of the VCCI are as follows:
To represent the Vietnamese business community in order to promote and protect the lawful, legitimate interests of the business community and employers in Vietnam in domestic and international relations.
To promote development of business enterprises, entrepreneurs, and cooperation between business entities and to offer assistance in trade and investment, economic and technological co-operation and other business activities of enterprises in Vietnam and abroad.
Established in spring 2013, NGO ARD is an association of industry, the professions, and academia with primary aim to promote multifaceted engagement between Australia and Russia. Specifically its objectives are:
To promote business, educational, technological, tourist, and cultural links between Australia and Russia.
To provide a forum for its members to discuss public policy issues of relevance to both countries and to advance these policies in a spirit of mutual understanding.
To organize and promote various events for members, friends and colleagues to foster wider public awareness of the Australia-Russia relationships.
Membership in ARD is open on both corporate and individual levels.
The Brazilian–Russian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism is a non-profit bilateral organization based on membership. It was founded 35 years ago with the active support of the governments of Russia and Brazil to strengthen and develop economic, trade, investment and cultural ties between Russia and Brazil.
The President of the Chamber Brazil–Russia is also the General Secretary of the Russia–Brazil Business Council and takes an active part in the preparation of bilateral intergovernmental commissions on trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Brazil.
The diversified structure of the Brazilian–Russian Chamber is built in accordance with the norms of international law and aims to represent and protect the interests of business in Russia and Brazil. At this moment the organization includes various profile committees (agriculture, energy, infrastructure, etc.) and departments that provide professional services for business.
The Association of Vietnamese Businessmen is a non-profit organization that was founded on the principles of voluntary participation and equality between Association members.
The Association’s goal is to coordinate business activities as well as to represent and protect the common property interests of its members.
The Association’s activities include:
providing advice and assistance to Association members on technical, economic, and legal issues related to the performance of their activities as well as resolving disputes arising among Association members;
providing assistance to Vietnamese businessmen who are interested in developing business ties with Russia and business activities on its territory;
providing assistance in strengthening ties between Vietnamese and Russian entrepreneurs based on the principles of business partnership, mutual understanding, and mutual respect;
providing comprehensive support for the business activities of Vietnamese entrepreneurs on the Russian market with the aim of developing the Russian market, the economies of Russia and Vietnam, and encouraging highly effective business activities based on the law;
engaging Russian and foreign entrepreneurs in joint activities with Vietnamese entrepreneurs on the Russian market;
representing the interests of Association members on their behalf and based on their instructions with the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities of the Russian Federation;
organizing symposiums, meetings, conferences and similar events as well as participation in similar events;
providing assistance in enhancing the qualifications and professional level of specialists who are employed by member organizations of the Association;
providing assistance in the expansion of business ties as well as the exchange of experience and information among Association members;
informing interested Russian entrepreneurs about the specifics and opportunities of the markets of Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia.
The Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) was founded in 2004 with a mandate to enhance and support trade, investment and good relations between the countries of Canada, Eurasia and Russia. CERBA is a unique not- for-profit organization having a network of over 140 corporations. To meet the dynamic needs of its growing membership CERBA has established seven chapters located in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, Almaty, and Moscow. CERBA provides an extensive network of contacts in the private and public sectors with frequent informative events on pertinent topics in the Eurasian markets, a regular printed newsletter, committees of the Canada–Russia Business Council (CRBC) and Kazakhstan–Canada Business Council (KCBC), and annual trade missions. Additionally CERBA provides market intelligence, advocates with the Canadian and Eurasian governments on key issues, and manages active sector-based committees to promote partnership between CERBA members and their counterparts in Eurasia.
PRO ECUADOR is the Institute for the Promotion of Exports and Investments of Ecuador, attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PRO ECUADOR is responsible for implementing the policies and rules to promote exports and investments of the country, in order to promote the supply of traditional and non-traditional products, and their strategic insertion into the international markets.
PRO ECUADOR has a wide network of offices: 7 regional offices responsible for seeing the needs of the territory and maintain constant contact with producers and exporters, and with 31 trade offices abroad, focusing on research, trading and market-opening for Ecuadorian products.
PRO ECUADOR is a commercial party concerned in the business development of exporters and foreign Investors.
Uruguay XXI, the Investment and Export Promotion Institute, works to help internationalize the Uruguayan economy. A country such as Uruguay has great opportunities to grow outside its borders by attracting investment and promoting exports to countries around the world. As can be seen in our mission statement, Uruguay XXI seeks to help both companies and the country as a whole better face the challenges posed by today’s world. In addition, our organization seeks to strengthen the country’s image abroad by promoting the attributes that make Uruguay a strategic location to do business in the Southern Cone of Latin America.
Philippines Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)
PCCI is the voice of Philippine business recognized by government and international institutions. As a proactive catalyst of development, PCCI promotes and supports the drive for globally competitive Philippine enterprises in partnership with government, local chambers, and other business organizations.
The main responsibility of PCCI is to provide focused advocacy for business growth and sustainable development by providing business services for the advancement of grassroots entrepreneurship, chamber development, international trade relations, business innovation and excellence, and operating efficiency. These will be achieved through a professional organization working in close cooperation with various stakeholders in public and private sectors.
Strategic Thrusts
To operationalize its MISSION and VISION, PCCI adopts the following strategic thrusts:
- steadfast support for the promotion and growth of micro, small and medium enterprises nationwide;
- pioneer policy reform initiatives to improve the business climate and sustain socioeconomic development;
- spearhead national and international networking through business matching, trade missions, and information sharing;
- support capability building for local chambers and industry associations.
Invest India is the official Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of the Government of India, mandated to facilitate investments into India. It is envisaged to be the first point of reference for potential investors.
Invest India team of domain and functional experts provide sector- and state-specific inputs, and hand-holding support to investors through the entire investment cycle, from pre-investment decision-making to after-care. Agency assists with location identification; expediting regulatory approvals; facilitating meetings with relevant government and corporate officials; and also provides aftercare services that include initiating remedial action on problems faced by investors.
All facilitation and hand-holding support to investors under the ‘Make in India’ programme is being provided by Invest India. Invest India is promoted by the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
is a non-governmental non-profit organization operating according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
is the leading business association in the Republic of Belarus with 65-year history
incorporates more than 2000 members representing the whole range of Belarusian entrepreneurship ranging from the representatives of small businesses to large enterprises and holdings, ministries and state committees
is an organization integrated into the World Chamber System
Services provided by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
foreign economic activities
exhibition activities
ATA Carnet execution, verification and issue
business education and consulting
patent and licensing
information and publishing
BelCCI International Arbitration Court
Akvaplan-niva is a research and consulting company with headquarters and a laboratory in Tromsш (Norway). Its staff includes 120 scientists. The company is the founder of the Arctic Frontiers Conference and the organizer of its secretariat. Since its foundation in 2007, Arctic Frontiers has become the largest annual conference on the Arctic.
The event is dedicated to the sustainable development of the Arctic region and is held in January in Tromsш. The main topics at the forum are “the policy of Arctic territories”, “the science of Arctic territories”, and “the business of Arctic territories”. The “Youth of Arctic regions” section is a platform used to envolve young participants who are concerned about the Arctic. A number of parallel events take place within the framework of the Arena of Arctic Territories: seminars, panel discussions, round tables, as well as cultural and social events. The conference is attended by more than 2,000 representatives from 34 Arctic and non-Arctic countries. Cooperation with Russia has always been a priority of Akvaplan-niva and Arctic Frontiers. In 2014, Akvaplan-niva and the Russian Geographical Society, the founder of the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ forum, signed a cooperation agreement.
TIF-Helexpo is the national exhibition agency of Greece, responsible for organizing Thessaloniki International Fair, every September, which is the flagship of its exhibitions. Moreover, it organises over 15 sector exhibitions each year, regional exhibitions throughout Greece, national pavilions at major international exhibitions, as well as conferences and cultural events. It manages and exploits its property and the Agency 104.9 radio station and advises the state on exhibition policy. Its objectives include the support of Greek production and the promotion of Greek enterprises, in order to contribute to the growth of Greek economy. TIF-Helexpo is also concentrating on the development and extroversion of local economies in terms of exercising its regional policy. Its goal is to promote local production, utilize the competitive advantages of regions that often lack the necessary promotion and to achieve development of local entrepreneurship. The current strategy of TIF-Helexpo is condensed in the following policies and packages of actions: internationalization, partnerships at the international and domestic level, events of high added value for exhibitors and visitors.
The International Exhibition and Congress Centre of TIF-Helexpo in Thessaloniki is deployed over an area of 180,000 m2, of which 62,000 m2 constitute indoor exhibition premises. The exhibition complex includes three congress centres, ‘Nikolaos Germanos’, ‘Ioannis Vellidis’ and ‘Emilios Riadis’, with a total capacity of 4,000 seats. The three congress centres are equipped with state-of-the-art electronic and audiovisual systems. Apart from its exhibition facilities in Thessaloniki, TIF-Helexpo also owns Helexpo Maroussi on Kifissias Avenue in Maroussi, Athens. This is a multi-use building that mainly hosts exhibitions over an area of 30,000 m2 and includes a congress hall with a capacity of 600 seats.
The national exhibition agency has a long tradition, as it was founded over nine decades ago.
East Office of Finnish Industries was founded by leading Finnish corporations to expand business opportunities in Russia. The 25 shareholder companies have invested more than EUR 10 billion in the country, which is over 80% of Finland’s total foreign direct investment in Russia. East Office gathers and analyses relevant information concerning Russia, with a particular focus on the country’s economic and political development. For this purpose, East Office actively develops and maintains contacts with Russian business and political leaders, thus enabling its member companies to identify, expand, and realize business opportunities.
Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government and the industry, a partnership that provides access to contacts and networks at all levels. Business Sweden was founded on January 1, 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet) and Invest Sweden.
Business Sweden’s purpose is to help Swedish companies reach their full international potential and foreign companies to invest and expand in Sweden. It offers the customers strategic advice and hands-on support.
Business Sweden has representative offices in 57 countries and it has two offices in Russia – in Moscow and in St. Petersburg.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is an independent, non-governmental, business-expert interest association of legal entities and individuals who work in registered economic activity. Enterprises involved in different activities and belonging to all economic branches represent all business entities. As a business interest association, the Chamber’s main goal is to represent the common interests of the enterprises and other commercial entities before the state authorities and organizations, entrusted with establishing the economic system, economic policies and the business environment. As a place for meetings and negotiations, the Chamber authorities are working to harmonize the interests and activities of companies, definition of joint presentation, exchange of experience, initiation of mutual business contacts, etc. This professional business institution also provides information to its members and offers expert assistance and consulting services about the market, companies, production, exports and imports and other business information, such as on the business environment, issues concerning the economic legislation and elaboration of ideas related to investment opportunities.

Mangold Consulting is a German management consultancy that offers a complete range of strategic consulting services for Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS. Furthermore, Mangold Consulting offers its clients a vast experience of doing business and cooperating with Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS, provides a comprehensive overview of the existing industry and local business landscape, analyzes potential markets and locations, offering its clients a customized entry strategy on target markets.
One of the main points that differentiates Mangold Consulting from other consultancy companies is its high-level networking and existing cooperation with governments and administrative bodies. Hence, it identifies the best potential business partners for its clients as well as potential distributors and customers.
Mangold Consulting also supports its clients in the clarification of logistics and customs issues, develops customized, creative strategies with its clients and helps them to construct successful business processes, guides them through the planning, implementation and realization of economic activities and projects, and provides business and personnel planning, using its experience and expertise to meet client’s needs and helps them to meet their goals.
JETRO is a state institution established on the basis of a specific law to expand trade and investment between Japan and other countries. Since it was established more than 20 years ago – in February 1993 – the JETRO representative office in Moscow has been actively working to develop foreign economic ties and investment cooperation between Japan and Russia, in close cooperation with Russia’s federal and regional authorities as well as public organizations.
JETRO is a non-profit organization. Its goal is the harmonious development of Japan’s external trade and capital investments.
The main functions of JETRO are to provide information services, consulting services, and business development programmes (seminars, exhibitions, training programmes, etc.).
JETRO is the largest and most effective business information centre in Japan for foreign businesses wishing to develop ties with Japan.
The official JETRO website features the Trade Tie-up Promotion Program (TTPP), which was developed by JETRO and enables organizations to present proposals online and find business partners in Japan. The TTPP system is free, open to all, and contains an extensive databank on cooperation in the following areas: import/export, technology transfer, mutual investment, trade relations, office services (including translation and legal services), and market research.
Founded in February 2009 with the aim of becoming a Japanese version of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, G1 became a general incorporated association in April 2013. The G1 Institute provides a platform for learning, discussion, and action by leaders from various industries. With the goal to re-vitalize Japan, it holds seven large events each year (the G1 Summit, G1 Global Conference, G1 Executive Conference, G1 New Leaders’ Summit, G1 Regional Meetings, G1 Venture, and G1 College). Ten members have become ministers in the Japanese Cabinet. Its recent activities include forums, committees, and initiatives to put new ideas into action, including its own think tanks focused on culture and technology. G1 also published this year’s English translation of the 100 Actions project, a “quiet revolution” to re-energize Japan.
TradeMalta is a public−private partnership formed between the Government of Malta and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise, and Industry. The organization is an executive agency dedicated to supporting Malta-based businesses to reach international markets with their products and services.
Incorporated in 2014, TradeMalta has been tasked with marketing and coordinating both incoming and outgoing trade missions, promoting participation in international trade fairs, facilitating bilateral trade meetings, and researching new market opportunities.
TradeMalta also provides specialized training programmes in international business development and marketing. The organization administers a number of incentive schemes and internationalization programmes aimed at novice and experienced exporters.
Promotion of franchising, joint ventures, and other forms of international business opportunities between Malta-based businesses and foreign companies is also actively supported.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia (AmCham) is the leading international business organization in Russia. Founded in 1994, AmCham advocates the trade and investment interests of its member companies. The reach and scope of AmCham’s advocacy continues to expand to reflect the increasing diversity of its membership. AmCham’s mission is to enhance commercial relations between the Russian Federation and the international business community by promoting an investment-friendly environment. It seeks to achieve this goal by serving as an indispensable forum for discussion and problem solving between the business community and policymakers, while maintaining a constant dialogue with the US and Russian governments. AmCham is headquartered in Moscow, has a regional office in St. Petersburg, and makes regular visits to regional cities in Russia.
The Hellenic−Russian Chamber of Commerce (HRCC), founded in Athens in 1995 by Hellenic and Russian business leaders, has been functioning as an independent, non–profit organization for more than 20 years, promoting mutual economic and trade relations between the two countries.
HRCC services focus on offering practical tools to enhance members’ export activities and competitiveness:
Promoting members’ interests to government authorities in both countries
Organizing business missions, trade fairs, and seminars, and supporting the participation of Hellenic and Russian companies in such events
Organizing bespoke business missions with a targeted programme of meetings
Providing information about the credibility of companies in Greece and Russia
Translation and interpreting
Forwarding promotional materials to partner organizations in Greece and Russia
Making lists of potential partners in both Greece and Russia
To conduct its activities successfully, the HRCC established strategic and business councils in Russia. It regularly cooperates with all state institutions and public services in both countries and has developed a powerful network with reliable chambers and business associations in Greece and Russia, thereby earning international recognition.
The German–Russian Chamber of Commerce (COC) represents the interests of German businesses in Russia, and those of the Russian economy in Germany. The COC currently has approximately 800 members, largely medium-sized enterprises. Being a member of the COC means being a member of a strong community.
What you can expect
The COC represents, advises, and supports German and Russian companies all the way from market entry to establishment of their day-to-day business.
The COC is in close contact with Russian and German trade associations and ministries, representing the interests of the German economy to Russian and German economic and political bodies.
The COC attends over 200 conferences and social events annually.
The COC stays informed about all the latest developments and possible courses of action through committees and working groups made up of industry experts.
The COC website provides information about the latest developments and breaking news in politics, economics, and public life in Russia: www.russland.ahk.de. Via our web portals focusing on Russian regions and professional education you can find specific information about doing business in Russia.
The Belgian–Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia promotes economic and trade relations between the Russian Federation and the Belgium–Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU).
The purview of the Belgian–Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia is very wide in scope, and encompasses trade-missions, international networking, conferences, roundtables, and other events highlighting business opportunities.
The Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is present in Moscow since 1997 as the ‘Club France’ Association. This business network naturally evolved towards a Chamber of Commerce and Industry status by joining in 2006 the CCI France International group, which is the first private network of French companies in the world, present in 85 countries and gathering more than 34,000 companies.
The CCI France Russie is led by a team of permanent professionals under the authority of 18 volunteer administrators. As a non-profit association, it is mainly financed by the contributions of its 450 members. The Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry does not receive any public subsidy and is not working under any administrative supervision. It is therefore a legitimate, objective and independent voice of the Franco-Russian business community.
Its work is focused on three key areas:
Building the business community: organization and staging of sectoral committees, business presentations and B2B meetings, cultural events, and regional delegations
Lobbying: consultations and dialogues with French and Russian private and public policy makers
Support for companies: support for establishing and developing French businesses in Russia, and Russian investment in France
The U.S.-Russia Business Council (USRBC),a premier trade association based in Washington, DC with an office in Moscow, represents the trade and investment interests of its U.S. and Russian member companies. The USRBC seeks to expand and enhance the U.S.-Russian commercial relationship by engaging in advocacy efforts with both the U.S. and Russian governments on behalf of its members; assisting member companies with troubleshooting and new business development; providing information and analyses to support business decisions; and facilitating access and networking opportunities, including briefings with government officials and private-sector leaders.
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry and government alike through advisory and consultative processes.
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry managed organisation, founded over 116 years ago. It is India’s premier business association, with a direct membership of over 8100 organisations, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 90,000 companies from around 400 national and regional sectoral associations.
CII catalyses change by working closely with government on policy issues, enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and expanding business opportunities for industry through a range of specialised services and global linkages. It also provides a platform for sectoral consensus building and networking. Major emphasis is laid on projecting a positive image of business, assisting industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with over 120 NGOs across the country carry forward our initiatives in integrated and inclusive development, which include health, education, livelihood, diversity management, skill development and environment, to name a few. CII has taken up the agenda of “Business for Livelihood” for the year 2010-12.
With 64 offices and 7 Centres of Excellence in India, and 7 overseas in Australia, China, France, Singapore, South Africa, UK, and USA, and institutional partnerships with 223 counterpart organisations in 90 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.
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The Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations is a joint organisation of the leading associations representing Germany business. It is an intermediary between business and policy-makers in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Membership of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations is open to companies with interests in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe, the Caucasian Republics and Central Asia.
The Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations represents and pools the interests of German business in Germany and in the above countries. It promotes German companies’ involvement in trade, industry, investment and the services sector in the target countries. The Committee supports and strengthens the growing economic ties with these countries and regions.
The Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations provides the following services:
A network of contacts to the governments and business representations both in Germany and in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
Coordination of the institutionalized dialogue between the governments
Current information on economic developments in the target countries
Business delegations, conferences and seminars with high-ranking government representatives and entrepreneurs.
Working groups of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations are Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Republics of Central Asia, Caucasian Republics, Romania, Bulgaria, South-East Europe, Agriculture, issues relating to financing, consulting and contracts, information technology and telecommunications.
http://www.ost-ausschuss.de«Conoscere Eurasia» is a nonprofit organization which was founded in the year 2007.
The aim of the Association is to develop and intensify relations between Italy, the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Community, realizing economic, educational, cultural and scientific projects.
Association headquarter is situated on the territory of the Russian House in Verona (Italy), which contains also Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation in Verona, Linguist Centre «The Russian World» and Visa Centre.
Government structures, private persons private and public companies, which are registered in Italy and Russia are all members of the Association.