Innovation space

IT Startups in Russia: Conditions Needed for Development and Difficulties with Growth

07 Jun , 11:00–12:00
pavilion G, Innovation Space

The launch of the new Data Economy national project was announced in late 2023. As part of the project, key technological areas will be developed and at least 1,000 IT startups will be supported, roughly 2,000 solutions and products will be created, and more than 850,000 IT specialists will be trained by 2030. The discussion participants will consider the main problems that young companies face in the IT sector and also discuss possible ways to solve them.

The session will address the following issues:

• State support for IT startups: what measures are being taken and what other measures are needed?
• Access to financing: what tools are available to startups and how can they raise investment for IT projects?
• Infrastructure development: what conditions are essential for the successful development of IT companies?
• HR training: what kind of specialists does the IT sector need and how can we ensure their training?
• Protecting intellectual property: how can we protect a product’s copyright and avoid piracy?

Dmitry Titov, First Vice President, Aquarius Group

Front row participants
Vasily Efimov, Minister of Innovation, Digital Development and Infocommunication Technologies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Denis Korablev, Managing Director, Product Director of Positive Technologies
Kristina Kostroma, Head, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow
Aleksandr Pavlov, General Director, Russian Information Technology Development Foundation
Vladimir Sakovich, Chief Executive Officer, Sk Capital
