Innovation space

Faster, Higher, Stronger: New Partnership Formats with AI

07 Jun , 12:45–13:30
pavilion G, Innovation Space

Artificial intelligence has already become firmly entrenched as a tool for companies to develop their businesses. It is considered good form for enterprises in various sectors of the economy. The Russian AI market was worth almost RUB 650 billion last year, a roughly 18% increase from the previous year. More than 1,000 Russian organizations are developing AI technologies and more than 90 research centres are conducting scientific research on AI.
AI clearly has enormous potential for further application, so now developers of AI-based products are trying to gain a dominant position in the market as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, AI technologies must be trusted, safe, and ethical.
Key topics:
• Where can we expect AI to be introduced next?
• How can we ensure effective human interaction with AI?
• AI ethics and regulation
• Development of secure and trusted AI in key industries: challenges and difficulties
• How AI helps with personalization and human-centricity
• AI for everyday life
• How AI helps scale and personalize services?

Alevtina Penkalskaya, Financial Observer, RBC Investments; Presenter, RBC-TV

Front row participants
Andrzej Arshavsky, Managing Director for Data Management and Monetization of the Moscow Exchange
Mikhail Volkov, General Director, SberStrakhovanie
Maxim Zaykov, Deputy General Director, VimpelCom
Kirill Kaem, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Innovation, Skolkovo Foundation
