Russian Design Space

The design Industry: From Dream to National Pride

07 Jun , 10:00–11:00
passage in zone C, Russian Design Space

Design as a cross-cutting branch of the creative economy permeates all sectors of production, shapes the material life of society and influences the intangible world of man. In essence, design is the packaging for technologies and innovations, scientific achievements, cultural values and national code into final products and services. Continuing the glorious traditions of the past, the current generation of designers dreams of a new breakthrough, new heights and achievements based on a huge intellectual and creative potential. Current conditions, despite all external challenges, have opened up unique opportunities for self-expression and have already brought tangible results. In a short period of time, the country created products on par with foreign ones and sometimes with a better quality. Russian design forms a positive experience of using domestic products, goods and services that evokes an emotional response and a sense of pride, creates a comfortable way of life and is one of the ways to positively transform the material and spiritual environment.
In what areas of the economy has design demonstrated leadership to create breakthrough products and services?
What new paradigms for business and government support measures are needed to strengthen the position of design as a “packager” for innovative potential of the country?

Dmitry Mednikov, Managing Director, Russian Media Group

Aleksandra Kaloshina, Founder of Solstudio Textile Design studio and Radical Chic accessories and clothing brand
Alexey Karfidov, Co-founder, general designer, Karfidov Lab; Head of the Department of Process Equipment Engineering, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"
Denis Kravchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Daria Topilskaya, General Director of the 2050. LAB National Centre for Industrial Design and Innovation
Vladimir Shipilov, Head of Industrial Design at TMH Engineering