Press event programme

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk Region, and Greenhouse Plant Zhurinich LLC (ROST Management Company LLC)

07 Jun , 11:35–11:43
Agreement signing ceremony
small passage, signing ceremony point 1 (next to conference hall D1)

Signing of an agreement on the protection and promotion of investment.

Representatives of the parties signing the agreement
Mikhail Yerokhin, Director, Department of Economic Development of the Bryansk Region
Murat Kerefov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Natalya Loresh, General Director, ROST Management Company

Honoured guests of the ceremony
Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of Bryansk Region
Maksim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Sergey Rukin, President, ROST Group