5G: The Architecture Backbone of Russia’s Digitalization

5G: The Architecture Backbone of Russia’s Digitalization

03 Jun, 17:00–18:15

The accelerated rollout of digital technologies in the global economy and the social sphere is becoming a key driver of sustainable development. Russia is putting significant resources into developing communications infrastructure and expanding access to information networks across the country, effectively overcoming the digital divide among the population and creating fundamentally new conditions for the development of high-tech solutions on the global stage. 5G, the new standard in wireless communications, will provide the architecture backbone of the country’s digitalization, bringing with it high connection speeds and low latency, providing a natural engine for current digital projects and a platform for the projects of the future. What will the 5G future look like, and which tasks will the next-generation communications technology solve first? What progress is being made in Russia’s 5G rollout and what is the outlook for the new technology’s introduction across the country? How prepared are operators, producers and consumers for the new communication standard?
