Agalarov Golf & Country Club will serve as the venue for this golf tournament, which will feature professionals registered with the Russian Golf Association. Business programme participants will be able to enjoy a golf master class on a professional 18-hole course.
The event will conclude with a concert featuring popular Russian musical artists.
The Radio Monte Carlo Golf Cup will also incorporate two key events: a business session entitled “The Experience Economy: Finance, Real Estate and a Healthy Lifestyle” and a public talk entitled “Golf, Sailing and Music Tourism as Drivers of Territorial Development”. The event’s business programme has been organized with the support of the Roscongress Foundation and the RRCC Business Club.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.
The route of the 42.2 km marathon and the 10 km race goes in a circle through the historical centre of St. Petersburg. Participants will be able to enjoy views of Kazan Cathedral, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Rostral Columns, the Admiralty, and St. Isaac's Cathedral. The race starts and ends at Palace Square.
Various images of St. Petersburg are reflected in the new logo and design of the event. The main symbols are figures of mythical creatures that participants will get to see on the streets of the city.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Турнир будет разыгран по круговой системе. Контроль времени на партию – 5 минут + 3 секунды на каждый ход, начиная с первого.
Мероприятие организовано Фондом Росконгресс, РК-Спорт, Спортивной федерацией шахмат Санкт-Петербурга, частным клубом «Профессор Фрейд» при поддержке Setl Group.
Доступ гостей на мероприятие осуществляется по приглашениям.
Мероприятие будет проходить с соблюдением всех мер по профилактике COVID-19.
Anatoly Rakhlin was born on 23 May 1938 in Leningrad, and was a survivor of the siege. After serving in the Navy, he started his career as a coach. In 1962, he began working at the Turbostroitel sports club at the Leningrad Metal Plant. In 1964, Vladimir Putin, the future President of Russia, began training in judo with Anatoly Rakhlin. Under Rakhlin’s leadership the Turbostroitel sports club became one of the leading centres of judo in the country. In 2008–2012, he managed the Russian women’s judo team, which won the European Championships three times in the team event, and successfully performed at the world championships.
Access to the event is by invitation only.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Ежегодно благотворительные матчи-концерты «От сердца к сердцу» собирают многомиллионные средства для оказания медицинской помощи нуждающимся. По итогам нынешней акции будет оказана помощь больным детям из петербургских семей, в том числе – жителям Колпино.
Доступ на мероприятие по аккредитации участника Форума.

This is a doubles tennis tournament.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.

The 5 km route will take participants through the historical centre of St. Petersburg. Among those taking part in this year’s SPIEF Run will be Forum participants, sports stars, and cultural figures. This will also be the first edition of the event to be open to the general public.
Participants will have a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Russia’s cultural capital in this exclusive car-free event.
For those wishing to support the runners, the event will also feature a fan zone complete with a DJ, a folk-art style photo area, various entertainments, and folk craft master classes.
The race is being held with the support of the Russian Athletics Federation.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Anatoly Rakhlin was born on 23 May 1938 in Leningrad, and was a survivor of the siege. After serving in the Navy, he started his career as a coach. In 1962, he began working at the Turbostroitel sports club at the Leningrad Metal Plant. In 1964, Vladimir Putin, the future President of Russia, began training in judo with Anatoly Rakhlin. Under Rakhlin’s leadership the Turbostroitel sports club became one of the leading centres of judo in the country. In 2008–2012, he managed the Russian women’s judo team, which won the European Championships three times in the team event, and successfully performed at the world championships.
Access to the event is by invitation only.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Лицом к лицу на церемонии сойдутся лидеры сборной России по боксу Илья Попов, Руслан Колесников, Всеволод Шумков и другие участники турнира. Легендарный супертяжеловес, олимпийский чемпион Александр Поветкин и двукратные победители Олимпийских игр по боксу Олег Саитов и Алексей Тищенко станут гостями «Битвы взглядов». Церемония пройдёт на стенде Федерации бокса России, который впервые будет работать на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме. На стенде участники ПМЭФ смогут увидеть экспозицию, посвященную 30-летию организации, ознакомиться с направлениями деятельности и стратегией развития бокса в России. Командный турнир по боксу "Матч ТВ Кубок Победы" также пройдёт в рамках SPIEF Sport Week.

You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Its purpose is to popularize and develop Aikido in Russia, strengthen friendly and cultural ties between cities and clubs in and outside of Russia, improve skills, and share experience.
Access to the event as a spectator is open to all.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.
Anatoly Rakhlin was born on 23 May 1938 in Leningrad, and was a survivor of the siege. After serving in the Navy, he started his career as a coach. In 1962, he began working at the Turbostroitel sports club at the Leningrad Metal Plant. In 1964, Vladimir Putin, the future President of Russia, began training in judo with Anatoly Rakhlin. Under Rakhlin’s leadership the Turbostroitel sports club became one of the leading centres of judo in the country. In 2008–2012, he managed the Russian women’s judo team, which won the European Championships three times in the team event, and successfully performed at the world championships.
Access to the event is by invitation only.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

Лицом к лицу на церемонии сойдутся лидеры сборной России по боксу Илья Попов, Руслан Колесников, Всеволод Шумков и другие участники турнира. Легендарный супертяжеловес, олимпийский чемпион Александр Поветкин и двукратные победители Олимпийских игр по боксу Олег Саитов и Алексей Тищенко станут гостями «Битвы взглядов». Церемония пройдёт на стенде Федерации бокса России, который впервые будет работать на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме. На стенде участники ПМЭФ смогут увидеть экспозицию, посвященную 30-летию организации, ознакомиться с направлениями деятельности и стратегией развития бокса в России. Командный турнир по боксу "Матч ТВ Кубок Победы" также пройдёт в рамках SPIEF Sport Week.
Организатор матча – Комитет Государственной Думы по физической культуре и спорту.
Доступ в качестве зрителя свободный.
Мероприятие будет проходить с соблюдением всех мер по профилактике COVID-19.

The match-up tournament will consist of three rounds of five five-minute bouts. It will pit four men’s teams together, with the winning teams being awarded the Yawara Challenge trophy.
Key honours won by the Russian clubs:
Yawara-Neva – eight-time European club team champions (2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2017).
Lokomotiv – Europa League silver medallists (team competition, 2015).
Access to the event is by invitation only.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

This is a doubles tennis tournament.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.

Приглашаем гостей Форума посетить красочный фестиваль уникального спорта. Конкур – это соревнование по преодолению препятствий различной высоты и сложности парами «всадник-лошадь». Есть много мнений, то ли всадник управляет конем, то ли конь делает все. Но на самом деле каждая успешная пара – это особая история взаимного доверия, дружбы и несколько лет совместного ежедневного труда.
Участники соревнований будут состязаться в преодолении маршрутов с высотой препятствий от 100 до 145 сантиметров.
Доступ в качестве зрителя свободный.
Мероприятие будет проходить с соблюдением всех мер по профилактике COVID-19.

Its purpose is to popularize and develop Aikido in Russia, strengthen friendly and cultural ties between cities and clubs in and outside of Russia, improve skills, and share experience.
Access to the event as a spectator is open to all.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

This is a doubles tennis tournament.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

The tournament programme will feature a business brunch, various master classes, and a rich entertainment programme for guests.
Peterhof Golf Club is located 25 minutes from Pulkovo Airport, and just a few minutes from the famed Peterhof Palace and fountains, Konstantin Palace, and Alexandria Park.
Eminent course designers Greg Norman and Steve Forrest worked on the 18-hole course, so guests can be sure of an exciting golfing experience.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.

The regatta will feature a number of corporate teams, including the crew of the Roscongress Foundation.
Races will be held in accordance with the latest international rules. With experienced skippers and professional refereeing, the regatta promises to be an impressive sporting event. Fleet: mX700 yachts.
This exciting competition will be held against the backdrop of the famous forts of Kronstadt. Guests will also be able to hold discussions with representatives of Russian and foreign companies in a relaxed setting. All this, plus an extensive onshore programme, mean that the regatta is set to be a true highlight of the Forum.
The Vedomosti business regatta’s rich onshore programme is the result of a partnership with the Sails of Kronstadt festival, which will harmoniously bring together yachting enthusiasts, members of the business community, SPIEF participants, and members of the public in what will be a vibrant maritime themed celebration. After the race, attendees will also be able to enjoy the award ceremony on the main stage of the festival, and a gala concert.
Access to the event is by invitation only.

The festival programme will include spectacular sailing races, the Vedomosti business regatta, a parade of historical sailboats (with a chance to board them for a tour as part of the Open Board programme), a large-scale re-enactment of a battle involving a boarding team led by Peter the Great on a Swedish sailboat, and a reconstruction of a field military camp of the era.
In addition, guests of all ages will have the chance to enjoy thematic workshops, kite shows, and a musical line-up featuring rock stars and young talented performers. The gastronomic part will cover the cuisine of the five seas, as well as local specialities and exclusive dishes a la russe. There will also be a range of more unconventional culinary offerings which hark back to the era of Peter the Great.
Entrance to the festival is free.

Лицом к лицу на церемонии сойдутся лидеры сборной России по боксу Илья Попов, Руслан Колесников, Всеволод Шумков и другие участники турнира. Легендарный супертяжеловес, олимпийский чемпион Александр Поветкин и двукратные победители Олимпийских игр по боксу Олег Саитов и Алексей Тищенко станут гостями «Битвы взглядов». Церемония пройдёт на стенде Федерации бокса России, который впервые будет работать на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме. На стенде участники ПМЭФ смогут увидеть экспозицию, посвященную 30-летию организации, ознакомиться с направлениями деятельности и стратегией развития бокса в России. Командный турнир по боксу "Матч ТВ Кубок Победы" также пройдёт в рамках SPIEF Sport Week.

Promotion of ecological and sporting forms of leisure among both women and youth, strengthening friendships and partnerships through joint ecological activities are among the main goal of this initiative. Combining a healthy lifestyle with caring for the planet is possible! Join the environmental initiative ‘Cleanliness Cup! Be an Eco-athlete 365 Days a Year!’
The event was organized by the Association of Women of the Nuclear Industry – Foundation for the Support and Development of Women's Initiatives.

The event will be attended by world champion and two-time European champion Foma Kalinin, Russia's only female stunt rider Daria Kharchenko, and virtuoso quad bike rider Grigory Taldykin.
The stunt show, performances by dance troupes, powerful sound, and refreshment areas supplied by the event's partners will be a perfect ending to the Forum.
The event is organized by RC Sport, the sports platform of the Roscongress Foundation, and the Interregional Contact Centre with support from The Future of the Motherland foundation.

This is a doubles tennis tournament.
You may register for the event via the personal web office.

Приглашаем гостей Форума посетить красочный фестиваль уникального спорта. Конкур – это соревнование по преодолению препятствий различной высоты и сложности парами «всадник-лошадь». Есть много мнений, то ли всадник управляет конем, то ли конь делает все. Но на самом деле каждая успешная пара – это особая история взаимного доверия, дружбы и несколько лет совместного ежедневного труда.
Участники соревнований будут состязаться в преодолении маршрутов с высотой препятствий от 100 до 145 сантиметров.
Доступ в качестве зрителя свободный.
Мероприятие будет проходить с соблюдением всех мер по профилактике COVID-19.

Its purpose is to popularize and develop Aikido in Russia, strengthen friendly and cultural ties between cities and clubs in and outside of Russia, improve skills, and share experience.
Access to the event as a spectator is open to all.
The event will comply with all COVID-19 safety measures.