The SME Forum

Media: Helping Russian Enterprises Build Strong Brands

05 Jun , 12:15–13:45
Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Forum: Industries
Pitch Session
passage in zone G, VinoGrad conference hall

The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country’s economy is growing. The creation of strong Russian brands and enterprises of any scale through media tools will help to strengthen the bedrock of national pride and favourably affect the image of the country. The experience of major companies can be a striking example for the SME segment. In addition to their core activities, these companies launch programmes in the areas of social development, the environment, and preservation of cultural heritage. Today, the issue of public awareness of such companies and their significant projects is particularly relevant. What is the role of media in shaping the attractiveness of companies as employers? What is the impact of social and cultural projects on the image of companies? How effective are advertising tools at different stages of working with an audience? What successful cases of the media promoting projects and shaping the image of companies can we see today? What is the importance of media in increasing recognition?

Ekaterina Veselkova, General Director, Gazprom-Media Sales House

Roman Genkel, Vice President for Development of Non-Financial Products, Regional and Foreign Network and Partnership Policy, Russian Export Center
Gavriil Gordeev, General Producer, Okko
Alina Zinnatullina, General Director, Insight People
Guzeliya Imaeva, Chief Executive Officer, NAFI Research Centre
Vladislav Kreinin, Senior Vice President, Director of Marketing and Communications Department, Sberbank
Nikita Pipko, President, Igronik Group of Companies
Marina Razumova, Deputy General Director, GPM RTV
Anna Savina, Director, Right Outdoor Media
Olga Starikova, Head of National Project Support Division, Natsionalnye Prioritety
Ilya Fomin, Chairman of the Board, Union of Outdoor Advertising Operators
Ulyana Khramkova, Co-founder, Amazing Color

Front row participants
Zhenya Ershov, Blogger
David Manukyan, Blogger, Actor, Singer
Lusine Pylaeva (Lucy Pylaeva), Fashion expert, Blogger
Valeria Chekalina, Blogger
